New Grid Status service now operating for Second Life

On Monday, November 28th, Linden Lab launched their new Grid Status update service.

Now delivered by a new service provider, it is designed to provide more detailed information on the overall status of the grid and Second Lifer services, whilst making it easier for the Lab to update the information presented through the pages.

While the new Grid Status pages are hosted by a different provider, existing grid status page and RSS links should redirect automatically.

Steven Linden first announced these changes would be coming during the TPV Developer meeting held on Friday, November 19th. The new page is more informative, with the most recent update  / information displayed at the top, with drop-down sections displayed beneath it, with historical information displayed below these.

The drop-down sections can be used to display expanded information on the three main grid simulator channels; information on the various SL web-based services (, marketplace, wiki, community pages, JIRA, etc.); updates on major in-world services, (group chat, L$ transactions, rezzing, Voice services, teleporting, inventory, etc) as well as further information on various external services such as the log-in service and the chat / phone  / Case support services.

As well as more information being available on the page, there is also an expanded set of subscriptions options to the service. These can be accessed via the orange button in the top right corner of the page, and they include the option to have Grid Status updates SMS’d directly to a mobile ‘phone. In addition, a separate option can be used to subscribe directly to a specific incident in progress via e-mail and / or SMS.

The grid status subscription options, which comprise e-mail, SMS messaging, webhooks and RSS, together with a link to the SL support portal
The grid status subscription options, which comprise e-mail, SMS messaging, webhooks and RSS, together with a link to the SL support portal

The new service also means the Lab’s Operations team can now update incident reports directly via a bot system, rather than relying on a manual update process involving different teams, as was the case in the past. This should help ensure the status information reflect updates and situations in a more timely manner.

With a faster means for staff to update information, more means by which users can access updates outside of visiting the Grid Status page itself (so often a bottleneck in the past), this new service should hopefully prove to be a lot more flexible, informative and accessible to SL users.

Note: at the time of writing, the Grid Status section on users’ dashboards was reporting “RSS Feed has no items”, suggest the RSS feed to the dashboard may have just to be updated. This has been reported to the Lab.

Lab deploys increased LI allowance to private regions in Second Life

Update, December 7th: the additional 10K LI option is now available –  see here or here for details.

Update:The Lab has now blogged on this – see: More Prims for Everyone!

On Tuesday, November 29th, the Lab ran a rolling restart across regions on the Main channel which saw the increased LI / prim allowances for private regions on that channel come into effect.

As I’ve previously reported, the prim increase started to appear with Mainland regions on Tuesday, November 1st with the change indicated in a blog post from the Lab. However, full details on the changes weren’t released until Thursday, November 3rd, with an interview with Patch Linden, Senior Director of Product Operations at Linden Lab, in this blog, and a Designing Worlds special held on the same day.

Following the Main channel restart on Tuesday, November 29th. private regions on that channel now have the following standard land capacity allowances:

  • Private full region: 20,000 LI
  • Private Homestead region: 5,000 LI
  • Private OpenSpace: 1,000 LI

In addition, landholders directly responsible for full regions will be able to further increase the capacity on those regions to 30,000 LI for an additional monthly payment of US $30 to Linden Lab (with a one-off $30 upgrade payment, and a single additional $30 downgrade payment should they later opt to remove the additional 10K allocation). Details on this will be announced soon.

Private full regions now have a standard 20,000LI capacity (with an option further 10K available at a fee of US $30 a month)
Private full regions now have a standard 20,000 LI capacity (with an optional further 10K available at a fee of US $30 a month)

There is a server maintenance package deployment scheduled for the three RC channels (Magnum, LeTigre and BlueSteel) on Wednesday, November 30th, and this should see the LI increase deployed to private regions on those channels as well.  Once completed, this will mean region capacities across the grid will be:

  • Full Regions:
    • Mainland: 22,500 (from 15,000)
    • Private estates:
      • 20,000 (from 15,000) at the same tier price OR
      • 30,000 for an additional US $30 a month (+a one-off US $30 conversion fee to add / remove the extra 10K allowance) – this option to be launched soon.
  • Homesteads: 5,000 (Mainland and private) – from 3750.
  • OpenSpace: 1,000 (Mainland and private) – from 750.

So there you have it. Let the building begin!

Ashemi: oriental neon in Second Life

Ashemi, Azure Star; Inara Pey, November 2016, on Flickr Ashemi, Azure Star – click any image for full size

Over the weekend of November 26th/27th, Caitlyn and I were delighted to receive an invitation from Shaman Nitely to visit Ashemi, a new homestead region he has designed together with Ime and Jay Poplin (Jayshamime). Having been enthralled by their work with Imesha back at the start of 2016 (see my article here), we were only to pleased to accept and hop across.

Ashemi is another slice of the modern orient set under an evening sky (although I recommend setting a night-time windlight to really capture the feel of the design). It carries within it shades of Imesha, but is an entirely separate and unique design. Visitors arrive towards the middle of the region, where sit three wooden platforms standing over the calm waters of a circular lake. All three form a set of artificial islands connecting two tongues of land extending towards one another from opposite sides of the lake’s edge.

Ashemi, Azure Star; Inara Pey, November 2016, on FlickrAshemi, Azure Star

Surrounding this lake, and towering over it, is an impressive, neon-lit skyline of a great metropolis. Giant skyscrapers rise into the sky, faces lit from within or by the reflected light of their neighbours. Huge advertising signs hang from some, adding to the cacophony of colour, while gaps between them reveal more buildings further away, or contain older and smaller buildings, survivors of from some pre-skyscraper era.

It’s a remarkable sight; one as immediately engaging as that of Imesha. Looking around, I couldn’t help but be struck by the way in which part of the build took me back to standing on the deck of a Star Ferry, watching Hong Kong’s waterfront skyline at night. Other will doubtless be put in mind of Japan’s neon-lit streets, while in places sits the look and feel of the icons advertising and streets from the likes of Bladerunner and Total Recall 2070.

Ashemi, Azure Star; Inara Pey, November 2016, on Flickr Ashemi, Azure Star

All of the platforms all offer places to sit and admire the surroundings, with lanterns and lamps offering gentle lighting both on the walkways and floating on the water, and all watched over by both a protective dragon and an Indonesian Buddha-like figure. However, a visit isn’t restricted to this central area: visitors can follow the platforms to the tongues of land mentioned above, and thence up onto the cobbles of the streets and walkways surrounding the lake. Here, lit by waterfront street lamps casting soft pools of cyan light, if a world of market stalls and boutique shops and businesses.

This is where the magic of Ashemi is further revealed. The great skyscrapers sit beyond the region’s edges, but a huge amount of care has been taken to blend cobbled streets and squares, shops are car parking areas, with both the on-sim and off-sim areas. So much so that it’s sometimes impossible to realise you’ve actually reached the edge of the region until you start bouncing against the boundary; it’s as if you could wander the cobbles into the distance and so find your way onto the paved streets which must surely sit like canyon floors between the towering fingers of concrete and glass.

Ashemi, Azure Star; Inara Pey, November 2016, on Flickr Ashemi, Azure Star

Walking thee streets, you’ll pass locals and be encouraged to entire some of the boutique shops – although again, not all are actually within the boundaries of the region, so do expect to reach them all! And when you feel in need of a rest, the wooden platforms await your return, sofas, and couches offering plenty of places to sit and chat or cuddle, low tables offering drinks and food, blossom drifting on the breeze.

I’ve little doubt that anyone who visited Imesha will be similarly impressed with Ashemi, and should you drop in, please consider a consideration towards the region’s upkeep at one of the donation jars.

SLurl Details

  • Ashemi (Azure Star, rated: Moderate)