The Miss Virtual World Gowns and Gift card Auction for RFL of SL

Sunday, December 21st will see the Renaissance Galleria host the  Miss Virtual World 2015 Gowns and Gift card Auction.

Commencing at 10:00 SLT, the auction will be led by Neckcadaver Resident, and 100% of all proceeds will go directly to Relay for Life of Second Life. The gowns and gift cards to be auctioned have been generously donated by the following designers.

Azul, Lyrical Bizzare, Kelini Couture, Enzo Champagne, of Champagne, Mohna Lisa Couture, Pixi of Ala Folie, Lybra, Guila, Purplemoon, Sascha Frangilli of Sascha’s Designs, Carrie Snowpaw, and Elysium Skins & Apparel.

This is liable to be a popular event, so if you would like to available yourself of the opportunity to own a beautiful gown or collect a special gift card, all in aid of a worthy cause, be sure to teleport over to the auction in good time.

The Renaissance Galleria's sumptuous fashion show area will host the Miss Virtual World 2015 Gowns and Gift Card Auction in support of RFL of SL
The Renaissance Galleria’s sumptuous fashion show area will host the Miss Virtual World 2015 Gowns and Gift Card Auction in support of RFL of SL

About BOSL

The Best of Second Life Magazine started in 2008 and is focused on presenting the “Best Of” all that SL has to offer and sharing it with readers. Bringing readers a vast array of information and topics each month the magazine covers events, arts, activities, fashion, people, styles, products, sims, movements, and creativity. This in world and on the web publication is the longest running magazine in SL and reaches an extensive SL audience through its large group and subscriber list as well as outside of SL through the website.

The Best of SL Magazine is part of BOSL & Co, which comprises the following companies:   Best Of SL Magazine; Miss and Mister Virtual World Pageants; Miss Virtual World Modelling  Academy; BLVD Fashion House; Fashion Feed; SL Associated Press and Best of SL Couture Boulevard & Renaissance Galleria Malls. Each company is focused on bring the “Best Of” in its own category and work to collaborate together, building one another’s strengths, to promote the creativity of those who are behind the creative and amazing aspects of SL.

About Relay For Life of Second Life

Relay For Life of Second Life is an annual activity that takes place in Second Life in July each year. Volunteers form or join teams to have fun while fundraising and raising awareness from mid-March through mid-July. In July teams build campsites and walk a track, just like a Real World Relay. Since 2005, Relay For Life of Second Life has raised over $2.25 million USD for the American Cancer Society. In 2013, Relay For Life of Second Life has raised over $390,000 for the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life has become an international movement in RL and SL. In 2011 participants from over 80 countries took part in Relay For Life of Second Life.

About the American Cancer Society

For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together with millions of  supporters worldwide, ACS helps people stay well, helps people get well, find cures, and deal with their journey against cancer.

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Never Ending surprises

Never Ending
Never Ending

Never Ending, in its winter guise, is perhaps one of the most surprising regions I’ve visited in a while. The work of しゅにん (Syunin Arida), いお (iorri), and TefTef Violet, it not only carries a seasonal theme right now, it does so in a quite remarkable manner, one which may at first deceive the casual eye.

On arriving, you standing close to a little village deep in snow and surrounded by  snow-covered hills of almost cartoonish undulations. Bare trees are strung with lights, while bears are sprawled on and against logs and tree stumps in one corner of the village, looking well and truly worn-out by all the exertions of Christmas shopping – or perhaps by trying to catch the raccoon who is keeping an eye on them from the upstairs window of the tower behind them…

Never Ending
Never Ending

Theses are not the only furry inhabitants of the village. Just over the garden fence, Grandpa Raccoon  stands on his porch, puffing his pipe, while across the snow-blanketed village green a young raccoon reads outside the local bookshop, Mama bear sitting close at hand, baby bear in her lap. Meanwhile, and next door to the bookshop, Mrs. Raccoon is arriving home with the groceries…

If all this sounds a little twee, don’t be fooled. The little village, with its Christmas tree bearing fairy lights and candles and presents spread under its boughs, is both charming  and avoids a feeling of looking just a little too sweet. It offers a lot to see, with seats and cuddle spots inviting visitors to stay a while; but it’s not all there is to see or explore, so don’t be fooled into just taking a cursory look around and skipping elsewhere.

Never Ending
Never Ending

Just outside the village sits a Flea Circus, and wander a little further or cam around and you’ll note there are other places to explore: a frozen lake, a couple of hidden valleys and little nooks shielded from the rest of the region by the steep hills. There even a wooden lodge sitting atop a steep hill awaiting your visit. But unless you’re ready to do some serious climbing (or cheat and fly), how are all of them reached?

The answer lies in a series of teleports which have been scattered around the region awaiting discovery. Some take the form of double doors, other are anywhere doors and still others are photos mounted on display boards. Herein lies another surprise: not all the destinations on offer are at ground level; several are hidden up in the sky, and are themselves a delight to discover and explore. What’s more, quite where you’ll be taken next isn’t always clear when first exploring, which further add to the mystery and charm of the region.

Never Ending

Never Ending is a true delight, with surprises at every turn;, and a visit I’d suggest you not pass on the opportunity to make. Do be prepared to click on things as well; there are several quite charming poses to be found (look for the umbrellas in particular), and a couple of gift boxes on offer from the designers.

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