Return to Alpha and Omega

Update: Both Alpha and Omega Points have closed.

In October last year, I wrote about Alpha and Omega Points in SL. Operated by Masoon Ringo and Sweetlemon Jewell, these two sims are home to incredible builds that straddle the sci-fi / fantasy divide and offer visitors much to see and do, as I reported at the time.

I dropped in on the sims at the end of April to find they were under reconstruction. What I saw then intrigued me, so I decided to wait a couple of weeks and pop back over and see what has happened.

The “ground level” build has changed extensively, although there are still strong echoes with the previous build: the same lowering skies, the lightning, and so on, while elements of the build itself carry echoes of the last: similar hanging walkways, elegant stairways, ornate sculptures and hidden surprises. But there is also much that has changed, and elements that give this build something of a “darker” feel – at least on the outside.

The “Village To Heaven” appears to remain unchanged  – and is still as magnificent as on my last visit, and the Fall Pods are still available for those wishing to take a ride back down to the lower builds.


4 thoughts on “Return to Alpha and Omega

  1. I adore this place. There’s a sense of an alien civilization, ritualistic, rich and old and on the point of toppling into madness.


    1. It’s wonderful. I waxed lyrical about it in my article back in October 2011, so opted to let the pictures talk and entice people into visiting 🙂


  2. I found this place fascinating the first time I discovered it. I even flew to the top of Alpha point (or was it omega?). Looks like I need to make a return visit. very cool


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