Lost in Space in Second Life – Wednesday Nov 23rd

Caitinara Bar
Caitinara Bar

We all love space and science-fiction to one degree or another. That’s why, from 16:00 through 18:00 SLT on Wednesday, November 23rd at Caitinara Bar, we’re presenting another of our themed Music with Anthony evenings for your enjoyment!

Lost In Space is an evening for celebrating sci-fi and space music down through the decades, from classics like Fly Me to the Moon all the way to Rihanna’s Sledgehammer (from Star Trek Beyond), there is a wealth of music to be enjoyed.

Time travellers from all eras, whether travelling via armchair or blue police box or via portal or accelerator - all are welcome at Caitinara Bar!
Time travellers from all eras, whether travelling via armchair or blue police box or via portal or accelerator – all are welcome at Caitinara Bar!

So, we’re Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft to join us as we set out Star Trekkin’. Dig out your favourite spacey, fantasy or sci-fi theme outfit (or avatar!), and come down to the beach and Caitinara Bar, where everything has been given a suitable makeover for the evening.

It doesn’t matter if you’re from Kirk’s time or Picard’s, whether you a Little Grey Man (or woman!) from the planet Xeraxthurb or a green Martian; we’ll here to welcome everyone from all corners of the universe – human, Narn, Centauri, Gorn, Cylon, whomever!

You may not lose your heart to a starship trooper, but you can at least shift into Interstellar Overdrive, Flash your funky costume  or ask if there is really Life on Mars – and all from the beach-side deck of Caitinara Bar!

We’ll be ready to beam you aboard from 4:00pm on Wednesday, November 23rd!

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