Visiting an eternal corner of Second Life

Khaled; Inara Pey, June 2016, on Flickr Khaled – click any image for full size

Not so long ago – March 2016 to be precise – I wrote about my visit to [G]aio, the charming homestead region designed by cambiamento Radikal which beautifully lived up to its name (“cheerful”).

Now Cambiamento is finishing a new region to showcase – Khaled (Arabic for “eternal”) – and he graciously invited me to hop over and take a look. “For me, it’s better that [G]aio!” he informed me as we chatted about the new region, and I have to say, there is an elegance and rugged beauty to Khaled which does make it as memorable as [G]aio – although I would suggest the landing point needs slight adjustment! 🙂 .

Khaled; Inara Pey, June 2016, on Flickr Khaled

Surrounded by tall, steep peaks partially hidden in the misty windlight, Khaled is broadly split into two. The landing point places new arrivals towards (or perhaps on, if the landing point is adjusted!) a rugged tongue of an island.

A single ribbon of beach on one side of the island faces the rest of the region, a curved set of stone steps providing a gentle ascent up the rocky shoulder of the isle to its flat top. Here, a sandy, rugged path cuts west to eat, connecting a small cabin house close to one end of the island with a sturdy stone bridge at the other. Tall and slender Scots pines point skyward across the island, and surround the old Victorian folly standing on the highest point of the island – just a scant couple of metes about the main track.

Khaled; Inara Pey, June 2016, on Flickr Khaled

Across the bridge, the landscape is seamlessly blended with the region surround to present a low-lowing headland thrusting gently out into the water of a lake. This is the home of a small farmstead and a rural railway station. A freight train is passing through, emerging briefly from one tunnel before dipping into the next as it makes its way through the tall mountains. Facing the station, at the water’s edge, sits a landing stage, a rideable motor boat alongside. The dirt road between landing stage and station passes an oval of market stalls.

Rural and serene, with a perfect ambient sound scape, Khaled is also a place with a secret – one that might easily be missed without proper exploration. I’m not going to say too much more on this, as it’s worth discovering for yourself. All I will do is offer a photo and say a trip out on the water is required to reveal it.

Khaled; Inara Pey, June 2016, on Flickr Khaled

I visited Khaled at a time when Cambiamento was still working on the region; he was considering adding further Wildlife and one or two other nips and tucks in order to finish things off.  Event so, at the time of my visit, the region was already eye-catching and suited to a wide range of Windlight settings. I can definitely say that anyone who enjoyed visiting [G]aio is bound to enjoy and appreciate Khaled. Should you do so, please consider making a donation towards the upkeep of the region so that others might enjoy it also.

My thanks to Cambiamento for inviting me to visit 🙂 .

Khaled; Inara Pey, June 2016, on Flickr Khaled

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