Bella’s summer Lullaby in Second Life

Bella’s Lullaby, May 2024 – click any image for full size

Not too long ago I noted that I’d received notice that Bella’s Lullaby – a place oft covered in these pages –  was about to undergo a makeover as the hands of region holder BellaSwan Blackheart (thank you, Johann!), and so whilst waiting I toddled off to visit Bella’s other setting, A Place in the Sun (see Finding A Place in the Sun in Second Life). Well, turns out I didn’t have to wait long for the updated Bella’s Lullaby to arrive; it’s now once again open for business, so I bounced over to see what is new.

At the time of my last visit to the region, back in February 2024, I noted that the region had something of a North European feel to it – like a small island nestled along the Scottish coast or Europe’s Wadden or Baltic Sea coastlines. With this iteration, the region maintains something of a similar vibe – albeit one where the off-region mountains might suggest his location is further north and west and lying off of Norway’s marvellous “crinkly bits” (as Douglas Adams once referred to it) coastline.

Bella’s Lullaby, May 2024

There are certain similarities about this design and the last iteration of Bella’s Lullaby – and indeed, with A Place in the Sun – which gave me a subtle sense of being on an island-hopping journey with Bella through a place where the different islands are perhaps all part of the same chain. There are motifs and elements common to two out of the tree – or even all three – that can be spotted as one explores. This is common enough given the way items in inventory can be repurposed and / or reused, and certainly not to the region’s negative; rather the reverse in fact as it allowed my imagine to suggest a narrative linking these places together in my head.

This is again a design where less is more –  an approach at which Bella is exceedingly good. The landscape presents a semi-rugged, low-lying island. Forming the same of a “C”, it sits with the open mouth of the “C” pointing westwards to cup a shallow bay in the island’s grassy arms. A single thumb tack of an island is pinned in the open mouth of the bay, a lighthouse atop it providing warning of the shallow waters within. There are no hills here, just a gentle undulation across the landscape as it keeps itself above the rippling of the surrounding waters, the coastline moss and grass-topped rock that drops sharply into those waters without feeling the need for any intervening shoreline of shingle or sand.

Bella’s Lullaby, May 2024

As well as the lighthouse, the island is home to a house and a cabin. Both are topped with turf on their roofs to help with insulation, with the house offering a attic space large enough to form a bedroom, although only a sofa occupies it. Who lives here is open to the imagination – but whoever they are, they certainly love their cats! Despite being barely furnished, the house has a cosy feel to it, possibly because of the overgrown nature of the grounds surrounding it; shrubs and flowers hem it in, combining with the  vines climbing the walls to give the house a sense of warmth and hideaway.

A rough path runs around the shore of the bay to reach the cabin. This is a much smaller affair, and appears to be more of a washroom / garden house than a home.

Bella’s Lullaby, May 2024

The two arms of the island are of slightly different width, broad where it is home to the larger house, then narrowing gently as it sweeps around past the cabin, giving the impression of a tail trailing away from the main body of land. As well as the house and cabin, the wider portion of the island boasts a large coppice of trees between cabin and house with a smattering of outlying small tress to either side which appear to be standing guard over this side of the island. The tail, however, is without trees and displays more of the island’s rocky underpinning as it points back past the lighthouse.

Within this landscape is wildlife and animals a-plenty: the cats already mentioned (more of which are to be found outside), chickens, geese, goats, cows – not to mention the local birds. A sound scape adds further depth here, offering the bleat of goats and the musical joy of birdsong.

Bella’s Lullaby, May 2024

This is a place very much for wandering and photography; the open nature of the landscape allows for multiple opportunities for landscape photography, whilst the scattered elements of smaller details encourage more focused pieces. And believe me, camming around carefully is well worth it, Bella’s ability to put together little vignettes that suggest her settings are living, breathing places is excellent, and there is a rich clustering of these around the main house – some in plain view, others perhaps requiring a little patience to focus in on.

If you’re looking for cuddle spots, then it is possible this setting might appear to disappoint; just be sure to take a closer look. There are places to sit aplenty, all neatly spread across the region indoors and (particularly) out, and several include single and couple sits, with one also including options for taking a plunge in the waters of the bay (and for engaging in a little kung fu or practicing anything you may have learned at Hogwarts!).

Bella’s Lullaby, May 2024

Bella always produces memorable settings to explore, appreciate and photograph, and this iteration of Bella’s Lullaby is no exception – so do be sure to pop along and pay a visit.

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