Getting back to Fallingwater in Second Life – well, sort-of

Yeah… house building … again

As regular readers know, I tend to flip and change with houses on the main island home. Those who have poked at this blog over the years will also know I have an affinity for the Kaufmann House (aka Fallingwater) in southwest Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands, as designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and now managed by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy; so much so that over the years I’ve reproduced it to varying degrees for personal use, as well as building a reproduction of the entire property from main house and Bear River through to the garages and staff quarters.

Fallingwater is this one-plan, but this works

The latter is far too big to use practically in SL, but over the years I’ve pulled out the main house from time-to-time and fiddled around with it to produce something distinctive by way of living space – and, well, these two aspects of my SL have once again converged.

For the last few days I’ve been skipping on the blogging in order to play housey with the version of Fallingwater I last used in 2018, when I tweaked it somewhat to offer home more in keeping with the old island space.

The TLG Chapel Ruins make for a great garden set-piece

For this iteration, I’ve been pretty harsh with the house, in terms of changes. Not so much to reduce the LI, but simply because much of the previous designs didn’t get much use. So with this version, I’ve lopped off a couple of the terraces completely, and dropped a third (which I’d previously converted to a swimming pool(!) to garden level, where the pool makes more sense.

I’ve made some internal changes as well, whilst keeping the overall look of the Great Room with its unique hatch down to the water (or in this case, the boat moorings). However, I’m not sure it is deserving of the name “Fallingwater” any more given the changes; maybe something like “Dripping Faucet” might be more appropriate 😀 .

Across the back garden

Along with the re-working on the island and the house, one of my other favourites, the TLG Chapel Ruins by Marcus Inkpen has made a return, this time to form an enclosed garden within the wildling garden that makes up most of the island. I also couldn’t resist the ~BAZAR~ Geo Dome after encountering it during a couple of recent region visits, so that now forms a little hideaway in the garden as well.

The main challenge with the house is that really, it is supposed to occupy an elevated position over water, but while Second Norway offers various rocky island and waterfronts, I didn’t want to build the home island up that much; so the result has been a compromise in that I’ve had to install a little rocky table (doubling as a place topped by garden lawns) and lose a little in the way of waterfront moorings. But it least the helipad got to stay 😀 .

The ~BAZAR~ Geo Dome (with some additions), makes for a neat little garden hideway

So anyway, I’m not going to rabbit on; while I have another project that’s in progress (swapping from Maitreya  + Lelutka to Slink HG + Catwa), I’ll not bore you with that, and well be getting back to more usual blogging fare instead 🙂 .

2021 SUG meeting week #32 summary

Neverending – Sakura Tales, April 2021 – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. The meeting was recorded by Pantera Północy, and the video is embedded at the end of this summary. Note this summary focuses on the key points of the discussion where there is something to report.

Server Deployments

Please refer to the server deployment thread for additional details / updates.

  • Tuesday, August 10th saw servers on the Main SLS channel updated with simulator release 562252. This release comprises:
    • BUG-220541 for llUnsit expansion.
    • A new simulator console command that will let estate managers change the default EEP settings across an entire estate. This also paves the way for implementing a new default Mainland EEP setting that will be coming in a future update.
    • A fix to llChar to reduce returns being translated as “?”. Some will still do so, but this will be addressed in the next maintenance simulator update.
  • Wednesday, August 11th should see the RC channels with simulator release 562252 with the same updated machine configuration deployed on July 21st, 2021 to approximately 15% of homestead and openspace regions. This does not include any visible behavioural changes for the simulator, but may provide better performance.

SL Viewer

On Monday, August 9th, the Simplified Cache RC viewer, version, was issued. This is an update to the earlier Simplified Cache viewer that had to be rolled back due to unexpected issues.

On Tuesday, August 10th, the CEF viewer, version, originally issued on July 24th, was promoted to de facto release status.

The rest of the current pipelines remain unchanged:

  • Release channel cohorts:
  • Project viewers:
    • Legacy Profiles viewer, version, dated October 26.
    • Copy / Paste viewer, version, dated December 9, 2019.
    • Project Muscadine (Animesh follow-on) project viewer, version, dated November 22, 2019.
    • 360 Snapshot project viewer, version, dated July 16, 2019.

In Brief

  • Simulator work remains focused on the back-end tools upgrade.
  • Aditi – inventory synch and log-in:
    • It is now possible to have inventory on Aditi (the beta grid) synch to your main grid inventory by filing a support ticket.
    • As the Aditi log-in problem hasn’t been resolved, automatic inventory syncing is not working, and people may still encounter issues trying to log-in to Aditi.
Log ons are going to be problematic to Aditi for the foreseeable future. There’s a service that we can’t configure correctly in the staging environment due to internal limitations.

– Mazidox Linden

  • Updates to sound (including questions on allowing sound loops longer than 10 seconds and the ability to play/loop/stop sounds in linked primitives other than the primitive where the script exist – see BUG-227641) came up during the meeting. Updates remain under some work related to sounds is on a list of things to be done, other work – such as possible alternate formats, etc., – is really just general discussions at this point.