2024 SL SUG meetings week #17 summary

Hotel Del Salto, April 2024 – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed, and are not intended to be a full transcript, and were taken from my chat log and the video by Pantera – my thanks to her as always for providing it.

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Simulator Deployments

  • The Main channels was restarted on Tuesday, April 23rd with no update.
  • On Wednesday, April 24th:
    • Bluesteel RC will be updated with the back-end support for the the glTF updates available in the Graphics Featurettes viewer (e.g. PBR terrain textures and mirrors), joining the Preflight channel.
      • The code currently contains a bug wherein the server can flood the viewer with too many updates to the “Material override” data. The fix for this failed to pass QA to be included in the Blues
    • Le Tigre and Magnum and any other RC channels will be restarted without any new deployment.

Upcoming Deployments

  • There are currently some bugs within the WebRTC voice support, and these caused the planned deployment of this to be delayed. See my Week #12 summary for an outline of WebRTC voice.
  • The above means the Spring Break RC update (which has a fix for the hovering-at-login issue) is being moved to next-in-line for deployment.

SL Viewer Updates

  • On Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024:
    • The Maintenance Y/Z RC ( My Outfits folder improvements; ability to remove entries from landmark history) version dated April 19th, was promoted to de facto release viewer.
    • The Maintenance X RC (usability improvements) updated to version, on April 23rd.

The rest of the official viewers in a pipeline remain as:

In Brief

  • Leviathan Linden has finished implementing the new VEHICLE_FLAG_BLOCK_INTERFERENCE which would allow vehicles to optionally prevent attachments on passengers from pushing the vehicle around (so as to prevent cheating in racing, for example).
    • This particularly targets llSetVelocity(), llApplyImpulse() and llPushObject() calls.
    • llMoveToTarget(), llSetForce() were also tested, but did not appear to work on the vehicle, so the code for blocking them in this circumsatances has been removed. However, if an exploit using them can be demonstrated, Leviathan is willing to add the code back into a simulator update.
    • Leviathan hopes to get the functionality in the Spring Break simulator update before that goes to internal QA pre-deployment testing.
  • There is a request to increase the server notecard cache. This is seen by the Lab as “doable”, but has yet to be actioned.
  • The above lead to a lengthy discussion on n/card caching, and how best to define the cache (e.g. by n/card size, rather than the number of notecards) which segued into scripting and a viewer-side LSD editing interface(!).
  • It was indicated that an update to the Bake Service to support 2K textures is “in the plan” – but no indication of when the update might actually take place.

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.

2024 SL SUG meetings week #16 summary

Grauland – Last Trees, April 2024 – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed, and are not intended to be a full transcript, and were taken from my chat log and the video by Pantera – my thanks to her as always for providing it.

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Simulator Deployments

  • The Main and the majority of RC channels will all be restarted this week (Tuesday / Wednesday) with no updates deployed.
  • The exception to this is the Preflight RC channel which will be updated on Wednesday, April 17th, with the back-end support for the the glTF updates available in the Graphics Featurettes viewer (e.g. PBR terrain textures and mirrors.
    • Note that this deployment is for testing only.
    • Support for 2K texture will not be enabled simulator-side as a part of the initial deployment, as these are awaiting a couple of fixes to clear QA. Ergo, support for 2K textures within the preflight channel will be enabled later.

Upcoming Deployments

  • Back-end support for WebRTC Voice will be next to be deployed, and this will likely go to a Snack RC channel.  See my Week #12 summary for an outline of WebRTC voice.
  • The upcoming Spring Break RC release (yet to go to RC) will have a fix for the hovering-at-login issue.

SL Viewer Updates

No updates to the official viewers currently in the pipeline, leaving them as:

  • Release viewer: version7.1.5.8443591509, formerly the Maintenance-W RC (bug and crash fixes), version and issued March 29th, promoted April 9th.
  • Release channel cohorts (please see my notes on manually installing RC viewer versions if you wish to install any release candidate(s) yourself).
    • Maintenance Y/Z RC ( My Outfits folder improvements; ability to remove entries from landmark history), version, April 12.
    • Materials Featurettes RC viewer, version, April 3
    • Maintenance X RC (usability improvements), version, April 2.
  • Project viewers:

In Brief

  • Teleports / region crossings: the question was asked as to which would have the greater performance impact: a avatar with 10 attachments, each of a single linked part in each, or an avatar with 1 attachments of 10 linked parts.
    • The reply from Monty Linden was that – outside of script considerations – the difference is liable to be negligible (scripts being the major performance hit in terms of region crossings / teleports).
  • A discussion on attachment point in general, including:
    • An increase to the maximum allowed attachments (38), primarily to help deal with issues as specified in this Feature Request, if providing a function as outlined in the Feature Request was not on the cards. However, it was felt by some that attachment counts should not be increased until the maximums for allowed worn prims / scripts are brought down to realistic figures and enforced.
    • A suggestion that a couple of attachment points by reserved specifically for Experiences.
    • A request for updates to the particle system to work with rigged attachments (removing the need unrigged particle prims). However, as the simulator does not track attachment points (which would be required for this to work), it was seen as not doable.
  • A request was made for LL to offer an LSL function so creators could clamp raycasts to the region edge in order to stop the end-points going off-region (/simulator) and causing errors.
    • Whilst seen as doable, it was felt that as raycasting should not have end points beyond a region’s boundaries, a better solution might be to identify and fix the underpinning bug that is allowing it.
    • Fixing the issue might also allow LL to implement the idea outlined in llVisualizeRay – A way to see Raycasts, but using llCastRay rather than adding a new LSL function.
  • Please refer to the video for:
    • A discussion on HTTP request throttling.
    • A discussion om script modules / libraries.
    • General thoughts on region crossings.

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.

2024 SL SUG meetings week #15 summary

Elvion, April 2024 – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed, and are not intended to be a full transcript, and were taken from my chat log and the video by Pantera – my thanks to her as always for providing it.

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Simulator Deployments

  • The Main and RC channel will all be restarted this week (Tuesday / Wednesday) with no updated deployed.

Upcoming Deployments

  • Week #16 should see the back-end support for the glTF / PBR Maiantenance-2 release viewer deployed to the Preflight RC simulator channel, bringing Mirrors and PBR terrain to regions on that channel.
    • If all goes well, the deployment will expand to BlueSteel in week #17 (commencing Monday, April 22nd, 2024).
  • The deployment of the PBR-2 support is liable to be followed by a simulator update with the promised WebRTC Voice (see my Week #12 summary for an outline of WebRTC voice). This may initially only goa a small Snack RC channel of simulators.

SL Viewer Updates

  • On Tuesday, April 9th, the Maintenance W RC ((bug and crash fixes), version and dated March 29, was promoted to defacto release status.

The rest of the current official viewer in the pipeline stand as:

  • Release channel cohorts:
    • Materials Featurettes RC viewer, version, April 3.
    • Maintenance X RC (usability improvements), version, April 2.
    • Maintenance Y RC ( My Outfits folder improvements; ability to remove entries from landmark history + Maint Z RC integration), version, March 29.
  • Project viewers:

In Brief

  • Monty Linden is trying the get back up to speed with region crossing / teleport fixes after working on other aspects of SL recently. Currently the work he has completed in looking “good” and he is planning a possible pile-on test at some point ahead of shipping the updated code.
  • Leviathan Linden has been working on implementing the “prevent passenger attachments from influencing vehicle” optional vehicle flag, but hasn’t quite finish testing it due to some modes of pushing a vehicle (without the flag) not working as anticipated. It is possible this work might make it into the Spring Break simulator update, which is still in development at the time of writing.
    • This is in response to a request to help solve the problem of cheaters sitting on competition vehicles. Someone sits on the object and uses a HUD with llSetVelocity() or other calls to push the vehicle faster than it would normally go.
  • Leviathan also hasn’t got back to working on the game controller event due to providing assistance to the glTF project.
  • A repeat of a request for slide on Y axis for llSetTextureAnim was made –  as requested in BUG-6443 (now Jira archive 14302). This is seen as “doable” on the simulator side, but would require additional work within the viewer.
  • A fix for llSetAlpha() and llSetColor to work with PBR is in the works.
  • Please refer to the video for:
    • Some general discussion on Combat issues, which will likely be part of the upcoming Combat Group meeting on Thursday, April 11th.
    • A general discussion on avatar walk speed and making it scriptable / adjustable.
    • A discussion on increasing the server notecard cache (per this request).

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.

2024 SL SUG meetings week #14 summary

Le Monde Perdu, April 2024 – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed, and are not intended to be a full transcript, and were taken from my chat log. No video this week.

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Simulator Deployments

  • The SLS Main channel was restarted on Tuesday, April 2nd, with the Hearts & flowers deployment going grid-wide. This mostly comprises internal (non-user visible) updates, together with these user-visible additions:
    • llSetLinkSitFlags/llGetLinkSitFlags – allow you to adjust the sit flags for a prim. It supports the existing two SIT_FLAG_ALLOW_UNSIT and SCRIPT_ONLY.
      • At some future point, SIT_FLAG_HIDE_AVATAR should also be added, so you don’t need to play an animation that squishes the avatar so they aren’t visible in something like a very small vehicle.
    • A feature for estate managers that will allow them to schedule automatic region restarts (see below).
    • A new constant in llSPP PRIM_SIT_FLAGS it will contain all the sit flag information, (including ALLOW_UNSIT and SCRIPTED_ONLY (the two older constants will still be available).
    • A new capability to load item inventory lists via HTTP (so items with large contents will load faster when accessed, although this will require a viewer update as well).
    • A fix for avatars going into an animation thrash between falling and flying when using llSetHoverHeight() from an attachment.
    • An adjustment to the way download weight for mesh object (how much bandwidth is required to download and view the object) which should reduce this weighting by around 15% for most in-world mesh, potentially reducing the LI of said objects (but should not be taken to mean the LI for any given mesh object is now 15% lower).
    • There is a known bug in this release where you always show up hovering on login… until you provide any sort of movement input at which point you drop down to stand. A fix for this is in the next RC maintenance update, which will hopefully available for deployment in week #14.
  • Wednesday, April 3rd, should see the RC channels restarted with no deployment.

Scheduled Region Restarts

A part of the Heart & Flowers simulator update is the ability for Private region / estate holders to schedule region restarts via the Region console in the viewer.

  • Schedules can be set on a Daily or Weekly basis (e.g. every day at 06:00 SLT; Monday & Thursday at 17:00, etc.)
  • Restarts have a “vaccination” period of +/- 5 minutes of the selected restart time, so that all regions in an estate don’t suddenly restart at exactly the same time.
  • Any scheduled restart can be cancelled in the same manner as existing manual restarts.

SL Viewer Updates

  • On Tuesday, April 2nd, the Maintenance X RC (usability improvements) updated to version
  • Like the end-of-week #13 updates to the Maint. W and Y RC viewers, this update was to bring the viewer to parity with the glTF / PBR Maintenance-2 release viewer.

The rest of the current official viewer in the pipeline stand as:

  • Release viewer: version, formerly glTF PBR Materials Maintenance-2 RC viewer, issued March 11, promoted March 26.
  • Release channel cohorts:
    • Maintenance-W RC (bug and crash fixes), version, March 29.
    • Maintenance Y RC ( My Outfits folder improvements; ability to remove entries from landmark history + Maint Z RC integration), version, March 29.
    • Materials Featurettes RC viewer, version – March 25.
  • Project viewers:

In Brief

  • Leviathan Linden hopes to get work done on providing a vehicle flag which will prevent HUD llSetVelocity() and lllApplyImpulse() from affecting the vehicle’s speed.
    • This is in response to a request to help solve the problem of cheaters sitting on competition vehicles. Someone sits on the object and uses a HUD with llSetVelocity() or other calls to push the vehicle faster than it would normally go.
  • Leviathan Linden indicated that the Lab has encountered a couple of issues in moving the simulators to 64-bit architecture:
    • A script memory issue. In short, some scripts that currently work at the very edge of the memory footprint might be pushed over the limit in 64-bit, and would stop working. So the Lab needs to figure out how much more memory access by scripts is required to allow all current scripts will be able to continue working. This will require a period of extended testing to see where the issue typically occurs.
    • Figuring out how to pack the servers on server instances. The Lab currently runs multiple servers on one machine, and some of the machine instances are currently close to their physical memory limit already when the underpinning servers run for a long time. So the Lab needs to hunt for memory leaks and resource leaks, carry out optimisation work where necessary and possibly change the server density on deployment.
    • The hope (as expressed by Leviathan) is to get the transition to 64-bit server architecture completed some time in 2024.
  • The above information was given in response to a request for an increase in the script memory allowance for Mono scripts (a frequent request from users / creators so as to reduce the overall number of scripts within an object & the number of events passing between them to achieve a given result – an important consideration, given scripts can impact the LI of objects). A general discussion on script limits, memory allowance, etc., then followed through much of the remaining time of the meeting.
  • A general discussion on region crossings / teleports (such as having vehicle-initiated teleports capable of moving a vehicle + occupants across and entire region / estate (“eep!” given the complexities involved), simulator management of TPs, etc. But as Monty Linden was not present – as the Linden most intimately involved in wading through the teleport / region crossing code, most of these were unanswered in terms of certainty of response.

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.

2024 SL SUG meetings week #13 summary

Second Life History at the Primitive Museum campus – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed, and are not intended to be a full transcript, and were taken from my chat log and the video embedded below, recorded by Pantera – my thanks as always for her work.

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Simulator Deployments

  • The SLS Main channel was restarted on Tuesday, March 26th without any deployment.
  • Wednesday, March 27th, should see the Hearts & Flowers RC update deployed to the rest of the RC channels. This mostly comprises internal (non-user visible) updates, together with these user-visible additions:
    • llSetLinkSitFlags/llGetLinkSitFlags – allow you to adjust the sit flags for a prim. It supports the existing two SIT_FLAG_ALLOW_UNSIT and SCRIPT_ONLY.
      • At some future point, SIT_FLAG_HIDE_AVATAR should also be added, so you don’t need to play an animation that squishes the avatar so they aren’t visible in something like a very small vehicle.
    • A feature for estate managers that will allow them to schedule automatic region restarts (see below).
    • A new constant in llSPP PRIM_SIT_FLAGS it will contain all the sit flag information, (including ALLOW_UNSIT and SCRIPTED_ONLY (the two older constants will still be available).
    • A new capability to load item inventory lists via HTTP (so items with large contents will load faster when accessed, although this will require a viewer update as well).
    • A fix for avatars going into an animation thrash between falling and flying when using llSetHoverHeight() from an attachment.

SL Viewer Updates

  • On Tuesday, March 26th, 2024, the glTF PBR Materials Maintenance-2 RC viewer, version was promoted to Release viewer status.
  • On Monday, March 25th, 2024, the Materials Featurettes RC viewer, version was issued.

The rest of the current official viewer in the pipeline stand as:

  • Release channel cohorts:
    • Maintenance X RC (usability improvements), version , March 11, 2024.
    • Maintenance-W RC (bug and crash fixes), version, March 6, 2024.
    • Maintenance Y RC ( My Outfits folder improvements; ability to remove entries from landmark history + Maint Z RC integration) updated to version, March 6, 2024.
  • Project viewers:

In Brief

  • Was a belated equinox party, so not a lot of discussion.
  • Simon Linden threw out a generic request for feedback on the viewer’s text translation capabilities. Nothing really came back from it.

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.

2024 SL SUG meetings week #12 summary – WebRTC voice

Bella’s Lullaby, February 2024 – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed, and are not intended to be a full transcript, and were taken from my chat log and the video embedded below, recorded by Pantera – my thanks as always for her work.

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Simulator Deployments

  • The SLS Main channel was restarted on Tuesday, March 19th without any deployment.
  • Wednesday, March 20th, should see the next RC update deployed to the Bluesteel RC channel. This mostly comprises internal (non-user visible) updates, together with these user-visible additions:
    • llSetLinkSitFlags/llGetLinkSitFlags – allow you to adjust the sit flags for a prim. It supports the existing two SIT_FLAG_ALLOW_UNSIT and SCRIPT_ONLY.
      • At some future point, SIT_FLAG_HIDE_AVATAR should also be added, so you don’t need to play an animation that squishes the avatar so they aren’t visible in something like a very small vehicle.
    • A feature for estate managers that will allow them to schedule automatic region restarts (see below).
    • A new constant in llSPP PRIM_SIT_FLAGS it will contain all the sit flag information, (including ALLOW_UNSIT and SCRIPTED_ONLY (the two older constants will still be available).
    • A new capability to load item inventory lists via HTTP (so items with large contents will load faster when accessed, although this will require a viewer update as well).
    • A fix for avatars going into an animation thrash between falling and flying when using llSetHoverHeight() from an attachment.

SL Viewer Updates

No viewer updates at the start of the week, leaving the current official viewers as:

  • Release viewer: version, the Emoji Viewer, issued February 15, promoted March 1st, 2024 – NoChange.
  • Release channel cohorts (please see my notes on manually installing RC viewer versions if you wish to install any release candidate(s) yourself).
    • glTF PBR Materials Maintenance-2 RC viewer, version, March 11, 2024.
    • Maintenance X RC (usability improvements), version , March 11, 2024.
    • Maintenance-W RC (bug and crash fixes), version, March 6, 2024.
    • Maintenance Y RC ( My Outfits folder improvements; ability to remove entries from landmark history + Maint Z RC integration) updated to version, March 6, 2024.
  • Project viewers:

WebRTC Voice

  • Officially announced on Tuesday, March 18th, is WebRTC (RTC=”real-time communication”), intended to replace Vivox as the Voice component in Second Life.
  • From my TPVD meeting notes from Friday, March 15th (video here) + notes from this meeting:
    • WebRTC is something of a “defacto standard”, being built-in to most web browsers and supporting  wide range of real-time communications tools in common use (e.g. Google Meet), supporting audio, video and data communications.
    • In terms of audio / voice (the primary focus here), WebRTC has a number of standard features expected of audio communications services (such as automatic echo cancellation, better noise cancellation and automatic gain control, etc.) and offers much improved audio sampling rates for improved audio quality.
    • Work has already progress so that WebRTC supports all of the current SL Voice capabilities (e.g. region Voice, parcel Voice, peer-to-peer, ad-hoc and group capabilities, muting, etc.).
      • The service is provided to the viewer as a library with a wrapper – no separate .EXE plug-in.
      • In addition, work has been put into securing the use of WebRTC Voice against attempts to eavesdrop, etc., and to route peer-to-peer communications via an internal server to avoid revealing user’s IP addresses to the risk of doxing, etc.
      • Voice Morphing is not part of the initial implementation.
      • Group voice will be capped at 50 people, but may be extended later.
      • Speech-to-text and text-to-speech  are being looked at by LL, but are not currently part of this project.
    • There are test viewers with the necessary viewer-side WebRTC support (not yet at Project or RC status), and regions on Aditi, the Beta grid (webRTC1 and webRTC2) with the back-end support.
    • Wiki documentation is in progress, and includes links to the test viewers (currently Windows and Mac OS) + a public code repo and other information. Note, this is subject to further update.
    • There is a dedicated WebRTC board on the SL Feedback Portal where issues, etc., can be reported / raised for discussion.
    • There is no backwards compatibility. Regions using the WebRTC back-end will only support voice on viewers using the WebRTC library. Ergo, once fully deployed, older viewer still using Vivox will not be able to access Voice services.
      • LL is working with TPVs to enable the switch to using WebRTC (once deployed to the Main grid) will not be made util there is an assurance that the majority of users will be on viewer supporting WebRTC.
    • The switch to WebRTC also opens the door to adding new features and capabilities to SL Voice, some of which have been long-requested.

In Brief

  • The PBR team is going to be changing llSetColor/llSetAlpha so that they behave on PBR in a similar way to legacy materials – just no time frame on when at present.
  • A discussion on scripting + notecard reading through the latter part of the meeting.

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.