Help build a school in Kenya via the MadPea auction in Second Life

Help build a school in Kenya "Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela
Help build a school in Kenya through the MadPea charity auction: “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela

The 2015 MadPea Celebrity Auction kicks-off at 08:00 SLT on Friday, September 25th, and runs through until around 20:00 SLT on Sunday, September 27th.

Over 60 people have signed up for the auction, including Alexa Linden, Simon Linden and Xiola Linden. Everyone putting themselves forward is offering something special for anyone winning the bid on them, be it time spent with them or a special award or activity or other unique opportunity.

The aim of the event is to raise money to help further the work of Live and Learn Kenya (LLK) in building a school in Nakuru, Kenya, where young children will be able to receive an education.

Organised by Brique Zeiner, LLK is perhaps more familiarly known in Second Life by its Feed A Smile programme, which is also run in-world by Brique under her SL name of Brique Topaz.

A purpose-built entertainments area has been built for the MadPea event, with auction boards placed around the dance floor and stage
A purpose-built entertainments area has been built for the MadPea event, with auction boards placed around the dance floor and stage

Feed A Smile provides nutritious warm lunches for over 400 children every day, paid for entirely from donations. Over one-third of this money comes directly through donations made to Feed a Smile from within second Life.

LLK’s broader programme includes finding sponsors to finance the education of children in Kenya, helping to provide them with everything they need: uniforms, shoes, text books, school supplies, etc. The organisation also provide medical and dental care for children, including check-ups and vaccinations. 100% of the donations received by LLK are transferred directly to Kenya to care for children, provide education, medicine, food, shelter and foster care. Nothing is lost to salaries, fees or administrative costs at LLK.

The events area includes a replica of the Nakuru school under construction, which will gradually complete itself over the course of the weekend as donations are received
The events area includes a replica of the Nakuru school under construction, which will gradually complete itself over the course of the weekend as donations are received

The school construction project is one of the most ambitious programmes LLK has undertaken. Each room at the school costs some US $19,000 to build and equip. However, the first elements opened in January 2015, and work is continuing – and will go further with the help of Second Life residents. With some L$ 1.1 million raised for LLK in the 2014 MadPea Charity Auction, the hope is that this year will raise even more.

The live auction will take place between 08:00 and 16:00 SLT on Sunday, September 27th, but the auction boards will be open to bidders from 08:00 on Friday, September 25th, and will remain so throughout all the entertainment leading up to the live auction activities.

At the time of writing, the entertainment schedule stood as follows. All times are SLT, and as always, there might be last-minute changes and updates – so keep abreast of the latest via the MadPea blog:

DJ Kess & auction boards open DJ Panda DJ Crusier  – LIVE auctions start
Max Sabretooth live DJ Deepert SL Radio Live LIVE auctions
Leannan Wolfgang live DJ Deepert SL Radio Live  LIVE auctions
DJ Esme SL Live Radio Max Kleene live  LIVE auctions
DJ Esme SL Live Radio Paradise Lost movie screening LIVE auctions
DJ Kess Josie Anderton live LIVE auctions
Sandia live Max Kleene live LIVE auctions
DJ Ned SL Live Radio DJ Arc DJ Mex Thorn SL Radio Live
Angela McKeenan live DJ Panda Anek Fuchs live
Zara Fiasco live Miah Shamen live Twostep live

The Second Life residents offering themselves, their time, etc for auction include:

Dusty Wasp, Trinity Yazimoto, Josie Anderton, Anderian Sugarplum, TeenaMarie Bressig, Sina Souza, Aeonix Aeon,  Maggie Mae Bhaktiguru, Toxic Darkmatter,  Twostep Spiritweaver,  Johannes1977 Resident,  PinkRayne,  Mericat Ireland, Aayla Barzane, Tab Tatham & EvanKeel Resident; Roman Godde, Brique Topaz, Inara Pey, Isla Gealach, Canary Beck,  Esme Capelo, Saffia Widdershins, Draxtor Despres,  Jessica Lyon,  Kiana Writer,  Kess Crystal, Arduenn Schwartzman, Callie Cline, Caitlin Tobias, Freestar Tammas, Garnet Psaltery, Synitry, Leetx, Imre Bellic, Tzaryna Gracemount, Levio Serenity, Leannan Wolfgang, Dita Lamour, Tracy Redangel, Harper Beresford,  Cacilia McMasters & Ava Jhamin, Winteru9, RacerX Gullwing, Kara Trapdoor.

Of course, there will also be Alexa Linden and Simon Linden, while Xiola Linden will be offering a special lot for auction, as will the Arcade team and Jo Yardley. Details of all those up for auction and what they’re offering will be available through their auction boards at the event.

The plans for the completed LLK Nakuru school (click for full size)
The plans for the completed LLK Nakuru school (click for full size)

For my part, I’m offering a music video of up to 5 minutes in length, filmed in SL. This could be a visit to your favourite location and include you and your loved one / friends, or a film of a favourite location or art installation or perhaps a video of your own home, or a special activity like diving in Fanci’s Deep, etc. All that’s required is that your choice of video subject is suitable for general viewing.  I’ll also provide coverage of the filming through this blog complete with photos, and offer the video through You Tube and social media.

I had the privilege of visiting the events area, which is located in the sky over the Exodus Rock Club, and it is a fabulous build by MadPea’s RAG Randt, with scripting by Tangle. The model of the school is beautiful, and as mentioned above, will build itself out as the total amount raised through the weekend increases.

Special thanks go to StarGazer estates for their support of this event
Special thanks go to StarGazer estates for their support of this event

So, do be sure to pay the MadPea SL Celebrity Auction a visit over the weekend. There’ll be plenty of great entertainment to be had, opportunities to donate and – of course – opportunities to bid for any of those who have put themselves up for auction!

I’ll close with a special message sent by Ken Branda, the LLK Nakuru School Project Manager to MadPea and Second Life residents.

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