June at Jamison Arts in Second Life

Jaimson Arts, June 2021

Having opened its door in mid-May, Jamison Arts is a boutique style gallery operated by Harlow Jamison (HarlowJamison), a long-term Second life resident enjoying a new lease of life within the platform.

Located in a  cosy building of a style popular with SL gallery owners simply because it naturally lends itself to being used as exhibition space, Jamison Arts offer two floors for displaying art, which might be used for joint or ensemble exhibitions or (potentially) for a focused exhibition of a single artist’s work

Jamison Arts: SabrinaCooke

For the May / June exhibition – which I’m getting to a little late, so my apologies to Harlow and the artists – the former is the case, with Harlow devoting the ground level of the gallery to a New Artist Showcase featuring the work of SL photographer SabrinaCooke, with the upper level split between the original art of Jaelle Faerye and original digital art by Aruba DeCuir.

The exhibition marks the first Sabrina has made in Second life – although she is active on Flickr and has displayed her work in the physical world. Centred on avatar studies and portraits, the pieces she presents at Jamison are an engaging selection of work that both captures the beauty and vitality of the Second Life avatar, and which off a masterclass in chiaroscuro for those who may wish to witness more after my last article on the subject.

Jamison Arts: SabrinaCooke
Nor is it solely chiaroscuro that is demonstrated here. Colour, lighting, focus, cropping, attention to detail – all are woven together into a series of images, each one of which forms its own single-frame story.

One the upper floor, the space is split between Jaelle and Aruba, with Jaelle presenting a series entitled Animals, a series of paintings on that very subject, with a particular focus on horses. The majority appear to be watercolours, and while I’d perhaps prefer to see them in a larger style if only to discern more of the detail within them, they are all pieces that are beautifully presented.

Jamison Arts: Jaelle Faerye

Aruba’s art is broad ranging, with “traditional” pieces vying for attention with more abstracted pieces and collages. Here she present a small selection of paintings that lean towards the latter, with several pieces offering text to get the grey matter working.

Offering three very different artistic styles that come together into a single engaging exhibition, Jamison Arts offers a richness of talent well worth seeing before the current exhibition draws to a close.

Jamison Arts: Aruba DeCuir

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