The Bloggies 2019: a thank you

This year marked (I believe) the 3rd annual Bloggies Awards, the presentations of which took place on Saturday, October 26th.

For those not in the know, the Bloggies are awards organised by the Blogger and Vlogger Network (BVN), a group and website built specifically for networking and education purposes. BVN strives to provide bloggers and vloggers (video bloggers) with the most pertinent, up-to-date, and interactive information available, and hosts live discussion panels, interactive forums and tutorials on a wide range of blogging and vlogging subjects.

The Bloggies are intended to recognise those producing written and video blogs on Second Life across a range of categories, the majority of which are decided via a public / popular voting system. Each year the organisers present special awards: the Founders Award and the BVN Member of the Year Award.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend due to commitments in the physical world, so I was surprised and delighted to learn today that I had been awarded the Bloggies Founders Award for 2019. This is given to (and I quote):

The founders award can be any blogger or vlogger in SL and we look for those that have made a huge contribution to the SL community through Blogging or Vlogging.

Needless to say, I’m both genuinely honoured and thrilled to receive the award and the recognition of my peers in blogging Second Life, and for the glowing terms used to describe this blog at the ceremony, which I’m also going to reproduce here:

This year’s recipient has been on the grid since 2006 and began blogging in 2007. Her blog covers a range of topics from news, reviews, commentary, exploration and opinion, and her dedication to chronicling the social, cultural and technical aspects of Second Life is unsurpassed. She is the premier source for all Second Life information, a major proponent of the arts and one of the grid’s most prolific bloggers.

I include this word in a small part because I do feel a degree of pride in reading them (I’d be lying if I said otherwise) – but primarily because I don’t try to seek out recognition in any significant way outside of the occasional interview; I simply try to write about what I appreciate, enjoy and find fascinating in Second Life in the hope others find it enjoyable / of interest  / useful, and whilst trying to maintain an element of objectivity in my factual reporting. So having this blog recognised in public in terms like those above genuinely encourages me to keep writing and to also do better in the topics I strive to cover.

Many and sincere thanks to Kess and Dethly and BVN for this award – and congratulations to all of the winners and those who received special mention in this year’s awards.

20 thoughts on “The Bloggies 2019: a thank you

  1. There was no other choice. Really not! No other blog covers SL in such a profound way and in such depth. Plus Inara’s visitations of quirky and beautiful sims are so inspiring.
    Congratulations on being the only logical choice, Inara.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so deserved – your blog is comprehensive, well written and compulsive reading. I refer to you first for tips on new sims and art shows, and information on grid politics / tech news. Your reviews are always fair and insightful. Anyone who has tried keeping a blog going, let alone making it worth reading, knows and appreciates the work that goes into this. So a huge thank you and congratulations for this recognition.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Serene; coming from someone who has striven to make Second Life more appealing by producing region designs that are so attractive, immersive and rich and which have – in all honesty – so often spurred me onwards in writing about public spaces in-world and are among the most engaging places I’ve had the privilege of visiting and writing about, these words really do mean a lot to me. ♥


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