Heat and the perils of blogging from the UK


Since getting the new PC (did I mention I had a new PC? ;-)), I’ve been busy sorting various bits and pieces out – not so much installing software, but sorting through files, re-organising things, and so on.

I’ve always been fairly ordered in my filing – paper and computer – and I like to have everything in its place, neat, tidy and sorted. So I was a little surprised to come across a series of shots I took of Verdigris a while back somewhat mis-filed (among my work bits, no less; oops) and lacking a blog post.


The brainchild of Oriolus Oliva, Verdigris must be one of the landmark sites of Second Life; a  strange, wonderful village sitting atop a bridge to nowhere, facing N0th1ng Ackland’s trestle-mounted Dirty Rat store across a deep gorge.

This is a brilliant place to visit and photograph – as many have done well before me. It’s also a wonderful place to wander around, mooching through the shops, climbing and descending the stairs to / from the upper gallery stores, admiring the view and exploring the ground level; I personally love the windmill at the end of the bridge.


Regulars to this blog will likely have noticed something of a falling-off in the number of posts I make, particularly over the last week or so. While I don’t want to bore people with the ins and out of the life of a Pey, there are several reasons for this, two of which I will mention (well, I could mention three, but the Tour de France ended on Sunday, so I’m no longer oogling men in lycra & riding bikes every afternoon :)).

The first is that we’re in something of a heat wave in the UK right now. While it is really nice to have sunshine and clear blue skies, it also means it is blue bloody murder sitting in a little study with a PC toasting your toes (or at least blowing out warm air over them), sans air conditioning, and with the windows shut tight against the cat attempting a leap out of them into the wild blue yonder – again (my study is on the upper floor of the house). So the upshot is that, even with the desk fan on throughout the day, by the time I’ve finished my “real” work, I’m at the point where I’m ready to peel myself (quite literally) out of the chair and just go vegetate somewhere cooler.


The other reason is more annoying. Last week I started experiencing problems connecting to WordPress via my ISP, both when trying to read other blogs and in trying to access mine to paste text for draft posts, update posts-in-progress, etc. I wasn’t alone; checking the WordPress forums, it appeared that a fair few people from the UK (and initially using the same ISP as me) were experiencing the same problem. It had thought to have been fixed a couple of times (the initial thread being closed pretty rapidly by WordPress admin as “resolved”). Unfortunately, the situation actually seems to have worsened – people on other UK-based ISPs are reporting similar errors and problems. Quite where the issue lies is unclear, but there is a lot of finger-pointing going on in both directions.

So, as a result of both these issues (and one or two others), my blogging has slowed down somewhat of late, and while I have a mass of articles-in-waiting, I have to confess that firing-up the enthusiasm has been a little difficult at times. I do promise, however, that – as the saying goes – “normal service will be resumed as soon as possible”. Probably when I stop melting :).

In the meantime, enjoy the Verdigris piccies. Or better yet, go pay a visit if you haven’t before / recently :).

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