Be a part of the Lab’s Creepy Crawl for SL’s Halloween

The March 25th meet-up at Meauxle Bureaux
The March 25th meet-up at Meauxle Bureaux

The latest in the Lab’s renewed social meet-ups in-world with residents is currently in the planning stages. Given the time of year, the Lab have decided to mix the Halloween season into things and hold a “travelling meet-up”, as a blog post from Xiola about the “Creepy Crawl” explains:

A-haunting we will go! This year we’re going to take inworld meetups and Halloween shenanigans and mix them together for a frightful mashup of mind-blowingly fun times. But – we need your help to make it happen.

Are you interested in hosting a stop along our Second Life Creepy Crawl? We’re looking for spots that will have music, are appropriate for general and moderate audiences, and don’t mind having a few Lindens and Residents dropping in all at once to dance and hang out for a bit.

The return of the SS Galaxy to Second Life was marked by an impromptu get-together with Lab staff - now you can play host with your venue / location, as the next get-together takes to the road
The return of the SS Galaxy to Second Life was marked by an impromptu get-together with Lab staff – now you can play host with your venue / location, as the next get-together takes to the road

The date for the event will be – naturally enough – October 30th, 2015. The full details for those just wishing to hop along and join the fun will be announced in due course. However, for those who wish to offer their venue / place as a possible stop along the way, there are some simple instructions to follow, as Xiola goes on to explain:

  1. Make sure your place is listed in the Destination Guidehere’s how to submit.
  2. Hop over to this form and fill it out before October 20th – we’ll start selecting the venues after that!
  3. Keep an eye out for an email and/or notecard after the 20th to let you know if your venue was selected.

So, if you fancy hosting a little Linden Halloween fun, make sure you get your venue in the DG (if it isn’t already) and fill-out the application form.

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