Cthulhu says, Join the LoveFest in Second Life

Who knows what you might find wandering the street of LoveFest ...
Who knows what you might find wandering the streets of LoveFest

Now under way, and running through until Sunday, August 23rd, is LoveFest, the annual H. P Lovecraft Festival. Timed to coincide with  the 125th anniversary of Lovecraft’s birth (August 20th), the festival has been organised by the HP Lovecraft Roleplay (and more) Group of Second Life (HPL RPG), and once again features the Autism National Committee (AutCom) of the United States as its charity.

2015 marks the 4th year for the Festival – which I took time out to visit in 2014, including having a go at the interactive adventure which had been set-up for that event. 2015 sees the Festival host another adventure – but this time it’s in the form of a grid-wide hunt, and the official website explains:

Presiding Presence: HP Lovecraft watches over the LoveFest proceedings
Presiding Presence: HP Lovecraft watches over the LoveFest proceedings

This year’s Lovecraft Festival is thrilled to present our multi-sim Lovecraftian Story Quest adventure ‘The Heart of Llhao”

You find yourself at the renowned Miskatonic University of Arkham, Massachusetts, where a recently discovered American Indian artefact, “The Heart of Llhao,” was scheduled to be unveiled to the public. Tragically, the item has been stolen, and the university has become a crime scene investigation.

Inspect the area, gather clues and items of interest, and follow the trail to find and recover this mysterious relic of tribal legend!

This event is designed as an interactive “who-dun-it” with a decidedly Lovecraft-inspired edge.

…and, of course, a guaranteed finale to truly honour the spirit of H.P. Lovecraft’s eerie, often horrific, endings!

The Festival region sits as a suitably atmospheric town with a very definite Lovecraftian feel to it. While the centre spaces offer plenty for the shopaholic, further out one can find event venues like the Cabaret Sybarite, and other points of interest, such as the carnival and the asylum.

Not everything is on the ground, of course. Touch the doors of the Cabaret Sybarite, for example, and you’ll be teleported up to the Cabaret hall. Find your way back to the doors to return “outside”.

Entertainment will be on offer throughout the event – check the Festival’s event calendar for details, or take a look at the event board at the landing point. First up will be the Grand Opening Dark Cabaret and Electro-Swing, featuring DJ Fitch Lekvoda. Of particular notes during the week is the special KittyCats Benefit Auction, which will see the Festival organisers team-up with KittyCats between 14:00 and 18:00 SLT on Wednesday, August 19th, to raise additional funds for AutCom.

On this note, it should be recognised that LoveFest is recognised by AutCom, with a member of their board actively involved in running the Festival, and that to date, all of the festival’s vendor fees, as well on-site donations at the festival, have gone straight to AutCom’s coffers, helping them in their campaign to increase awareness and education concerning Autism Spectrum conditions.

A Lovecraft Carnival...
Carnival – LoveFest style!

For those who like their Lovecraft live, Virginia will be hosting dramatic readings on Monday August 17th (12:00 noon-14:00 SLT) and on Wednesday 19th (18:00-20:00). Karaoke, cabaret sets, dancing, and even seven seas fishing, will all be taking place through the week. The official programme of activities will sign-off between 20:00 and 23:00 on Saturday, August 22nd, bringing things full circle as DJ Fitch Lekvoda spins the tunes once more at the Cabaret Sybarite.

So, if you fancy a bit of a spooky time or wish to immerse yourself in an atmosphere filled with Lovecraft or are simply feeling a little Cthulhu deprived, why not hop on over? Just remember, the great man will be watching everything that goes on…

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