Windlight Gallery opening with first fellowship awardees

WindlightSaturday, August 8th, 2015 at 13:00 SLT marks the formal opening on the Windlight Gallery, featuring an exhibition of works by the first round of Windlight Artist Fellowship Programme awardees.

The gallery is owned and operated by Windlight Magazine, the newest monthly magazine celebrating and supporting the art and photography world in Second Life,

Launched on July 1st, the magazine is owned and operated by John (Johannes1977 Resident) and features the writing and photography talents of luminaries Emma Portilo, Shakti Adored, Kara Trapdoor, Jessii2009 Warrhol, Vee Tamas, and Soairse Heart. I’m both honoured and pleased to be a part of the Windlight team as a contributing writer.

The Windlight Gallery is the magazine’s practical outreach to support artists and photographers. Occupying a large, modern building designed by Doctor Zimberman, it offers a series of individual display spaces spread across two floors, all gathered around a central full-height foyer area. It is home to the Windlight Artist Fellowship Programme, and the display spaces are reserved for those artists selected each month as Fellowship awardees.

The Windlight Gallery will provide free space to artists under the Windlight Fellowship Programme
The Windlight Gallery: home to the  Windlight Artists Fellowship Programme

The goal of the Fellowship Programme is to provide promotional and artistic resources to artists in Second Life, and is open to both new and established artists. Space with the Windlight Gallery is provided free of charge for a period of 30 days. Applications for space can be made on-line, via the Fellowship application form, which includes all applicable terms for the use of space in the gallery.

The August Fellowship awardees are:

Seb Arkright, Sandi Benelli, Ilrya Chardin, Bones Delicioso, Wicca Merlin, Richie Narstrom, Artemis Greece Resident, Bluesrocker Resident, ChrysteRox Resident, Ozymandi Resident, Roffellos Resident, SereneDean Resident and Myra Wildmist.

My congratulations to all!

Windlight Gallery
Windlight Gallery

The official opening will take place in and around the gallery starting a 13:00 SLT on Saturday, August 8th, 2015, and will feature music by Anek Fuchs. A formal dress code will apply.

There will also be a closing reception for the August Fellowship awardees on Saturday, August 23rd, 2015 from 15:00 SLT. This will again be formal dress, and will also feature music from Anek Fuchs.

So, do please come along, and hopefully, I’ll see you there!

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