Unmasking a Cure presents a medieval faire for RFL

Medieval Faire
Medieval Faire

The Medieval Faire is a week-long event for RFL of SL, currently taking place through until Sunday, May 17th.  Whether you are into medieval role-play or not, the Faire is offering a host of events and activities right throughout the week, with something for just about everyone to try and / or enjoy.

The Faire is the brainchild of Nyza Stillwater, who is working as it’s General Manager, and  is being run by the Unmasking a Cure (UAC) RFL of SL relay team coordinated by Mary Teodosio and Jean Munro, and hosted by the Realm of Cedarwood. Activities are spread across a series of skyborne locations, with the central one taking the form of a medieval village surrounded by rolling hills and distance peaks.

Medieval Faire - NPCs add atmosphere
Medieval Faire – NPCs add atmosphere

Here can be found merchant stalls offering a rich cross-section of goods representing the medieval and fantasy genres, and additional atmosphere is given to the village by the inclusion of NPCs – dancers, market stall operators and minstrels. In and around this sits the activities on offer to visitors – the live entertainments stage, a carnival, a combat arena, fencing, archery, jousting, and a battleground, all surrounded by the relay horse track – an against-the-clock steeple chase.

There are tournaments scheduled throughout the Faire, and additional jousting lists can be reached via teleporter near the arrival point. As well as actual competitions, there are opportunities to watch exhibition events and receive training from some of the major medieval sports groups in Second Life – the Medieval Games Fellowship, the Second Life Tournament Association, Double Dragon Academy and the United Jousters.

Medieval Faire - the village
Medieval Faire – the village

General Entertainments will be occurring throughout the week, and there is an open invitation for anyone who wishes to DJ or perform to do so whenever there is a free slot in the general entertainment sechdule, with entertainers from other RFL teams allowed to rez their own kiosks while performing.

The full schedule of entertainments and events can be found on the Faire’s website, where information on the Faire’s auctions and raffles can also be found.

With plenty to see and do, and all of it to further the cause of RFL 2015, the UMC Medieval Faire offers something for everyone  – so why not pay it a visit?

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