The return of the Chippensails for RFL in Second Life

Saturday, June 6th - the Chippensails take to the stage for RFL of SL
Saturday, June 6th – the Chippensails take to the stage for RFL of SL

On Saturday, June 6th from 14:00 SLT eight members of the Second Life sailing fraternity will take to the stage at the Three Pines Sailing School and Resource Centre, in a special sail4Life RFL of SL fund-raiser that promises to be a lot of fun.

Akiiki, August, Barry, Chaos, David, Dutch, Jake, and Stone will be donning black trousers, bow ties, formal shirt cuffs, dancing and baring their torsos as The Chippensails. Each of them will be auctioning a special prize to the highest bidder, with all proceeds from bids going diectly to RFL of SL.

Past prizes offered by the Chippensails have included long distance cruises around the Blake Sea, sailing lessons, a sailing yacht, French language lessons, an evening of dancing and conversation at the club of the winner’s choice, and the opportunity to be part of a yacht racing crew. Bidding will be open from 14:00 through 15:00 SLT, after which all those attending will be invited to party to the music of and enjoy the music of DJ Kota through until 16:00 SLT.

As well as the auction boards for the Chippensails, people will be able to donate to RFL of SL through the Sail4Life kiosks at the venue.

 SLurl Details


Second Life: changes to viewing group members’ lists

Due to a missed communication from the Lab, which indicated a preference on their part for this issue not to be blogged about, this post has been withdrawn, at least until such time as I can resolve matters with them.

Updated: Further to a discussion with Oz Linden on Friday, June 5th, there will be an updated report on these changes available on Tuesday, June 9th 2015.