RFL 2015: It’s Woodstock, Second Life style!

RelayStock 2015 - May 23rd and 24th
RelayStock 2015 – May 23rd and 24th

It’s a weekend of Peace Love and Hope, Great Music and yes, lots of MUD! So read the opening words about RelayStock, a special homage to the great a glorious days of Woodstock, and which is taking place in support of Relay for Life of SL over the weekend of Saturday, May 23rd and Sunday May 24th 2015. Hosted by the indomitable Relay Rockers team, RelayStock provides a very Woodsotck-esque look and feel, with Relay teams provided with a tent or minivan (both in 60’s style finishes), which are spread before the festival stage across a field woven with dirt tracks and  – as the note above suggests – lots on puddles and pools of mud people can slosh through (or indeed, dance in!). Vendors and kiosks have been set-up in and around the various camps, and all is ready for a weekend of music, fun and fund-raising – and let’s not forget that is 2014, RelayStock raised L$ 1.5 million over two days!

Special Events for the Weekend

The event venue is already open, and things will kick-off from 08:00 on Saturday, May 23rd and continue through until 20:00 SLT on Sunday, May 24th. The main schedule of events includes: Saturday, May 23rd

  • 13:00 – 17:15: the Relay Rocker’s 2015 CRFB Top Dj Contest finals
    • 13:00 – 15:00: CRFB 2nd Seeded Finalist
    • 15:00 – 17:00: CRFB 1st Seeded Finalist
    • 17:00 – 17:15:  Presentation of 2015 CRFB Top DJ Trophies and Awards
  • 17:15 – 21:00: Saturday BYOK Fever, featuring the music of:
    • 17:15 – 19:00: Madelyn Majestic – Relay Rockers / T1Radio
    • 19:00 – 21:00: Fuzzball Ortega – Steelhead Salmon / T1Radio
RelayStock 2015 main stage
RelayStock 2015 main stage

Sunday,  May 24th

  • 15:00 – 17:00: Rep Rap
  • 17:00 – 20:00:  The famous T1Radio TIme Machine and a Trip to the Sixties with Trader Whiplash and Team Relay Rockers  BYOK

In addition, Relay Teams will be hosting their own DJ-led events at the following times:

  • Saturday, May 23rd: 08:00-10:00; 10:00-12:00 noon; 12:00 noon-13:00
  • Sunday, May 24th: 08:00-10:00; 10:00-12:00 noon; 12:00 noon-14:00; 14:00-15:00

So, let the age of Aquarius enter your life this weekend, don your kaftan (and galoshes!), put flowers in your hair and head on over to RelayStock for get music, great dancing, great fun – and all in a good cause!

RelayStock 2015 - May 23rd and 24th
RelayStock 2015 – May 23rd and 24th

About Relay dAlliez

RelayStock will take place at Relay dAlliez, a region dedicated to the memory of dAlliez Estates estates founder Alliez Mysterio, who along with Nuala Maracas and Trader Whiplash, helped found the Relay Rockers team in 2005. Alliez was lost to breast cancer in 2013.  The region was first made available in 2014 to any Relay Teams wishing to host their own RFL of SL fund-raising events. Currently, there are still several prime weekend dates open in the 2015 RFL of SL season which can be used by Relay Teams to host their own events. Representatives from teams interested in doing so can visit the Relay dAlliez InfoHub for more information and to submit a reservation request.

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