In the jungle, the mighty jungle…

Makeahla Jungle
Makeahla Jungle

My apologies to Makeahla and Mz Marville. I was supposed to have posted this on Saturday, January 10th, but i managed to sidetrack myself into fiddling with other things.

Makealha Jungle is a new series of regions (three open to the public, the fourth – Another Hangout –  forms Makeahla’s own home, and may be closed in whole or in part to visitors as result) which officially opened its doors to visitors on Saturday, January 10th.

Makeahla Jungle
Makeahla Jungle

As I noted in my preview tour, kindly arranged by Mz Marville, who is responsible for the overall design of the regions, Makeahla Jungle is intended to be a place where people can visit and relax, take photos, etc., while also considering the natural world around us – including the l=plight of some of the species represented within the regions. In this, a particular reference is made to the northern white rhino, ceratotherium simum cottoni, of which only five now remain in the entire world, and the species will soon pass into extinction; the easternmost of the three public regions  – Makeahla East – is therefore dedicated to the memory of the northern white rhino.

The opening for the regions was marked by a special ceremony and party afterwards, and people are now free to explore the regions and meet the animals within their borders. Rezzing is open for those who wish to place props while taking photos – but do please clean-up afterwards. There is no special group to join for rezzing rights, or fees to be paid.

Makeahla Jungle
Makeahla Jungle

Also, to mark the opening of the regions, there is now a photography competition running through until January 31st, 2015, with a L$5,000 prize pool on offer. The rules are straightforward, as quoted below:

3 entries are allowed, we are looking for artistic expression, and the feeling of fun in nature when judging. The contest is open to landscape or avatar photography. Contestants must keep in mind that any photography taken / entered, if chosen grants Makeahla Jungle authorization to use the work as they see fit.

Entries should be made via the Conserve Landscaping Flickr group. Judging will take place on or around February, 1st, 2015.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a delightful rendition of The Lion Sleeps Tonight by Ladysmith Black Mambazo and The Mint Julips.

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