LEA reveals successful applicants for the 3rd land grant

On the 29th August, the Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA) announced the successful applicants for the 3rd LEA Land Grant, who will receive a full region for six months on which to create and display their proposed projects.

The successful applicants are: Arrehn Oberlander, Artistide Despres, Chic Aeon, Cica Ghost, Daco Monday, Emily Darrow, Eupalinos Ugajin, Fae Varriale, Giovanna Cerise, Gracie Kendal, Ian Pahute, jjccc coronet, Lorin Tone, Nessuno Myoo and Kicca Igaly, Nino Vichan, Noke Yuitza, pixels sideways, Rose Borchovski, Seraph Kegel, and Tony Resident.

The applicants have all been informed, and are due to be given access to their assigned region on Saturday September 1st, after which they will have up to four months in which to develop their proposals prior to opening them to the public.

Over 50 applications were received by the LEA, and a number of those selected will be returning for a second time, although it is emphasised in the LEA blog that the majority of those selected will be exhibiting at the LEA for the first time. The selected projects range from full-sim immersions through augmented reality installations to innovative builds geared specifically for multimedia works such as sound and machinima projects.

The twenty regions used in the Land Grant have been donated by Linden Lab and are curated by the LEA. The four-month preparatory / build-out period is arbitrary, and exhibitors are not obligated to wait the four months prior to opening their installations – just so long as the public are able to visit for a minimum of two months. It is not clear from the announcement if the successful projects will be single events, or whether the artists will be using their region to host more than one exhibit during the six months of the grant period.

Further updates will follow as news on the various projects in forthcoming.