BURN2: A Carnival of Mirrors in Second Life

BURN2 2015
BURN2 2015

Please note that all SLurls given in this preview will not be generally open until approximately 12:00 noon SLT on Saturday, October 17th, 2015.

BURN2 2015 opens its gates on Saturday, October 17th and will run through until Sunday October 25th.

As with previous years, the festival is spread across six regions, all in the familiar desert look, surrounded by sandy hills that add to the atmosphere and give more of a feel that the event is connected with the real life Burning Man festival.

The theme for this year is “carnival of mirrors”, with the announcement of the theme noting:

This year’s theme is about mirrors and masks, mazes and merger. It will be a kind of magic show that takes the form of an old-fashioned carnival. This Carnival of Mirrors asks three essential questions: within our media­ saturated world, where products and people, consumption and communion morph into an endlessly diverting spectacle, who is the trickster, who is being tricked, and how might we discover who we really are?

Classic carnivals, as theatres of illusion, upheld a very strict dividing line that separated carnies, cast as showmen, from members of a naïve public who were labelled chumps and suckers, marks and rubes. Our carnival, however, will perform an even more subversive trick — its motto is Include the Rube. The wall dividing the observer from observed will disappear, as by an act of magic; through the alchemy of interaction, everyone at once can be the carny and the fool.

The Man (by Danger Lytton) overlooks the carnival theme of the playa
The Man (by Danger Lytton) overlooks the carnival theme of the playa

The Festival will  commence with a Lamplighters procession, which will set out at 12:00 noon SLT on Saturday, October 17th, with a further procession taking place at 19:00 SLT.  There will be similar daily processions at 12:00 noon and 19:00 each day of the event through until Friday, October 23rd.

Saturday, October 24th will feature three burnings of The Man, at 06:00 12:00 noon and 18:00 SLT. On Sunday, October 25th, the Temple will likewise burn at 06:00, 12:00 non and 18:00 SLT, but each of these burnings will be preceded at 05:00, 11:00 and 17:00 respectively by Lamplighter processions, which will each include a Fire Dance performance at the Centre Camp. Note that different LMs will be in operation for The Man and the Temple during the burnings, and that you can keep track of all BURN2 activities through the event schedule on Google Calendar.

To ease your explorations of the regions, don’t forget you can pick up a ride at the Department of Mutant Vehicles. This is  also the place where visitors can join a guided tour of the event, which will take place twice daily throughout the week, at 14:00 and 22:00 SLT respectively. The tour will include descriptions of Juried plots, invited artists, theme camps and more. Hot air balloons also offer tours of the regions at any time.

As with previous years, participants have fully entered into the spirit of the BURN2 theme, and the six regions offer a tremendous carnival atmosphere, with Today Nakamura’s Temple build beautifully and brilliantly capturing the essence of the theme and the playa as a whole.

The Temple, Toady Nakamura's theme-capturing buil
The Temple, Toady Nakamura’s theme-capturing build

About BURN2

BURN2 is an extension of the Burning Man festival and community into the world of Second Life. It is an officially sanctioned Burning Man regional event, and the only virtual world event out of more than 100 real world Regional groups and the only regional event allowed to burn the man.

The BURN2 Team operates events year around, culminating in an annual major festival of community, art and fire in the fall – a virtual echo of Burning Man itself.

Related Links

All SLurls will be open to the public from approx: 12:00 noon SLT on Saturday, October 17th, 2015.

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