A new Windlight arrives in Second Life

Bryn Oh is profiles by Emma Portilo in the inaugural July 2015 issue of Windlight
Bryn Oh is profiled by Emma Portilo in the inaugural July 2015 issue of Windlight

On June 25th, I wrote about a new magazine for the arts in Second Life that would be launching in July 2015. Well, here we are at the start of July, and the inaugural issue is now available!

Called Windlight, the magazine has been founded by John (Johannes1977 Resident), with Nikki Mathieson, owner of Avi Choice Productions, the magazine’s co-publisher. At 136 pages, the initial issue of the magazine covers a lot of territory, with interviews with Bryn Oh, Skip Staheli and Sasun Steinbeck, a piece on the Raglan shire Artwalk and a whole lot more.

Windlight Issue 1 cover
Windlight Issue 1 cover

As I mentioned in my original article, the folk behind the magazine are motivated and high-powered. Since that piece was written, blogger and photographer Kara Trapdoor has also joined the team, in which I’m also honoured to play a small role.

The feature article on Bryn Oh is a must-read. In it, this fabulous artist who has done so much to enrich Second Life as well as bridge the physical  / digital divide, is wonderfully profiled by Emma Portilo.

It is Emma who also interviews Skip Staheli, again providing insight into this talented photographer’s Second Life and work.  John provides readers with interviews with Sasun, Nikki and, um, yours truly. I was flattered to be asked to talk about my work in blogging the art scene in Second Life, and further flattered by the use of my own photos within the piece. John also takes the helm for the article on the Raglan Shire Artwalk (something I sadly missed this year, due to having too many commitments throughout May).

Shakti Adored is someone I’ve long admired, and I’m looking forward to reading her Curator’s Corner pieces each month. Shakti currently curates some of the leading galleries in SL, including the phenomenal Rose Gallery at Kaya Angel’s magnificent Angel Manor. She also has an interest in quantum physics, which tends to tweak the armchair scientist in me 🙂 .

Skip Staheli is interviewed by Emma Portilo
Skip Staheli is interviewed by Emma Portilo

This is undoubtedly a great inaugural issue for Windlight, and I’m looking forward to writing for the magazine from the August issue onwards. In the meantime, in-world kiosks for the magazine are available in many outlets across Second Life, and you’ll be able to pick up a copy from the Windlight Magazine Gallery which will be opening soon, offering space to artists under the Windlight Fellowship Programme.

For those who prefer, the magazine can be followed via the Windlight Magazine website, while the first issue is ready to be read from cover to cover at calameo.com – Windlight Magazine.

Congratulations to John and the team on this first issue publication, and here’s to many more!

4 thoughts on “A new Windlight arrives in Second Life

  1. Yay sitting with it and My Morning Coffee! Iam excited for this so much info and people covered that I want to know more about!


  2. When I saw the headline in my twitter feed, I interpreted it as saying that an updated version of the Windlight environment-customization technology and protocols that are built into SL and the OpenSim had been released… then I pulled up the article and found out it was simply the name of some in-world magazine. :/


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