A Sunbird’s Nest in Second Life

TheNest : Sunbird, May 2024 – click any image for full size

I recently had the opportunity to visit TheNest : Sunbird, a Full private region leveraging the available Land Capacity bonus designed by Second Life partners  Adam Cayden (whisperinmyearz) and Lya Seerose, together with Tessa (Tessalie). The region offers a mix of photogenic public spaces and private rental – the latter of which are very imaginatively placed in order to help tenants maintain their privacy.

Come visit our blossoming city hidden in the mountains, enjoy the lake and its blooming scenery, our blissful rentals and enjoy the beauty from the smallest flower to the tallest of trees.

– TheNest : Sunbird About Land

TheNest : Sunbird, May 2024

The city in question is nestled in the south-east corner of the region, adjacent to the landing point, itself sitting on the southernmost tip of the land and facing an arch leading into the city, with two routes around the headland angling away from it on either side. A signpost offers hints as to what to look for when exploring, although at the time of my visit, the sign appeared to be on the wrong side of the archway, directing people around the waterfront (itself a nice walk!) to reach the city, rather than through the archway.

The main street of the townscape a has been neatly pedestrianized in part, presenting plenty of opportunity for wandering. Most of the building here are façades, relying on external elements for their attractiveness – tables and chairs, outdoor stalls, etc., – a combination that makes for plenty of opportunities for photography without the need to load-up shop interiors. The two exceptions to this are the rental office with details on some of the rentals available in the region, and the coffee shop.

TheNest : Sunbird, May 2024
We tried our best to give SL wanderers an interesting blend of urban city with a lively feel and intense blooming nature, building our rentals with the most wonderful views, trying to build a community of people to share it with … And we plan to do little events pretty often, festivals and more quiet things too!

– Lya Seerose, The Nest : Sunbird, co-owner

There’s a lot of small details in and around the city centre which make wandering a pleasure, from the fountain in the middle of the street, all the way around the southern waterfront, complete with its static figures to add a sense of depth and place, and which offer more opportunities for photography.

TheNest : Sunbird, May 2024

Other details to be discovered include the pet parking area, the mix of English / French / American influences (the telephone boxes, the subway and taxi, and the rooftop bar- club – and more. North of the town, the land rises significantly, curling around a deep-cutting inlet to offer broad uplands to the west, surmounted by the rental properties.

To the east, the route up to the higher elevations is marked by a tree-lined track leading up to a deep meadow bounded at its northern extent by the sheer walls of cliffs which again rise up to more of the local rentals. Those leaving the town on its eastern side, where the local road suddenly peters out, can also make their way along the coast to where the cliffs start to rise, and use a wooden board walk to climb up to the slopes above, and then walk up to the meadow from there.

TheNest : Sunbird, May 2024

With small glade-like area to one side offering shade across the head of a short stream that feed down into the inlet below, the meadow offers numerous places to sit and pass the time and an opportunity to feed the local raccoons. A further path rises to the west, passing through a woodland area which itself skirt the line of cliffs and plateaux with their rental homes.  This path curves around the head of the inlet, offering a number of vantage points from which to look out over it, together with further places to sit. In addition, the path split to offer a route to the western extent of the region and down to the waters at the head of the bay.

There is a natural flow and beauty through this part of the region that is very visually engaging, whilst the use of the higher plateaux for the rentals ensures they are nicely distanced from the public spaces to avoid trespass (or indeed, from having intrude into photos) without them being completely divorced from the setting, allow those renting the properties the best of both worlds – comfortable surroundings, the opportunity to drop down into the region and share the walks, etc., some excellent views – and privacy of their own.

TheNest : Sunbird, May 2024

The rentals themselves come in four five styles with up to 5 units in each style. All are supplied furnished and with a Land Impact allowance for personalisation. Gardens are included, with the larger units having nicely landscaped outdoor spaces which give plenty of room for tenants to have a comfortable home life. Those interested in renting should visit the rental office in the town for more details.

Charming, light, with much to see and appreciate – not all of which is covered here – TheNest : Sunbird makes for a very pleasing visit – and potentially, a very engaging place to live, if you happen to be in the market for a ready-to enjoy home.

TheNest : Sunbird, May 2024

Note: the official opening for TheNest : Sunbird will be on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 commencing at 23:30 SLT with music by DJ Vic. Lea, Tessa and Adam extend a warm invitation for people to hop over and join the party!

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