Sitting in The Middle of Nowhere in Second Life

The Middle of Nowhere, November 2023 – click any image for full size

Life in the physical world is just a little too hectic; with the house now approaching its 30th birthday (not that I’ve lived in it that long!) the decision was made earlier this year to start overhauling and updating parts of it. You know, the usual stuff: new kitchen and other rooms, interior alterations to make better use of space, bathroom updates, blah, blah, blah. Some – like the installation of a full solar / battery system – have gone well (aside from a few software teething troubles); others have not progressed quite so well, leading to much gnashing of teeth and trying very hard not to teach the cats too many Naughty Words (they are both approaching 15 months of age, so far too young for some of the more colourful metaphors which bless the English language!).

All of which means that there are times (quite a lot of them of late) where the urge to just get any from everything has been overwhelming. Fortunately for me – and anyone feeling the need to escape the day’s demands and just breathe in nature – Ari (Aridis Inaka) has provided an escape to – quite literally – The Middle of Nowhere.

The Middle of Nowhere, November 2023

Occupying a Homestead region, this is a setting where the simple pleasures of country walks, feeling tall grass brushing against fingertips as you wander and watching birds wheel overhead and horses roaming free, can be enjoyed. A place which, despite the surrounding sea, gives a sense of gently rolling prairielands only lightly touched by the hand of Man; a setting where (for those who wish) a gentle audio stream flows to further encourage muscles to unknot and thought processes to let go (and I’ll be honest, given it features the likes of Bear McCreary, Danny Elfman, Alexandre Desplat and legends such as Ennio Morricone and Michel Legrand, it really is worth a listen!).

The region’s About Land notes introduce the region as place of horses and sunsets and where light role-play is welcome. It is a description that fits, although there is much in terms of opportunities for photography, relaxation and contemplation that perhaps passes unmentioned. It’s also a place well suited to the quote from Frances Jane van Alstyne’s (aka Franny Crosby), On Hearing a Description of a Prairie Ari offers as a description for the region within her Profile:

Oh! could I see as thou hast seen,
   The garden of the west,
When Spring in all her loveliness
   Fair nature’s face has dressed.
The rolling prairie, vast and wild!
   It hath a charm for me—
Its tall grass waving to the breeze,
   Like billows on the sea.
The Middle of Nowhere, November 2023

It’s a fitting description because the American prairie can often been imagined as a vast ocean as the wind ripples the grasslands (and crops!) growing across them like waves caught in the breath of a sea breeze. More to the point here, perhaps, is that the metaphorical mixing of prairie and sea also helps region and surrounding waters flow together as a unified environment, rather than one simply being bounded on all sides by the other.

To offer a blow-by-blow tour of the region is perhaps an exercise in futility; its very nature – almost completely low-lying and carpeted in tall grasses – means that it offers most of its secrets to visitors from the moment they arrive. Points of interest are easily located, and the setting’s easy beauty sets the feet a-wandering with ease. The only real break in the gentle undulations of the land are to be found to the north, where a curtain of high cliffs rise from a westward and squat table of rock to border the region as they march to the east, the waters tumbling from them giving rise to a shallow channel which in part separates them from the rest of the landscape.

The Middle of Nowhere, November 2023

The grasslands are largely given over to the horses roaming them, although here and there the horizon is broken by a tree or by the blocky form of a wooden shack or cabin – or ruin thereof. The trees offer a mix of shade for visitors and horses and places to sit or swing. The shacks and cabins speak to the passage of human occupation, as little as it might have been, what appears to be the detritus of that life remaining within and without some of them – thus offering possible props and ideas for gentle role-play. To one side of the setting and atop a small knoll, sits an aging chapel, a small graveyard in the lee of the knoll. The chapel offers a sanctuary of remembrance to those wishing to avail themselves of it, whiles the open camp site a short walk away presents a place for fireside conviviality.

Simply formed, but clearly put together with an eye for detail (and a little whimsy, giving the wandering / dancing tree!), this is a region which can be easily enjoyed and photographed. If you are looking for a place to which you might escape the demands of life (physical or virtual) and simply gather your breath whilst recharging mental batteries, then you can do little better then dropping into The Middle of Nowhere.

The Middle of Nowhere, November 2023

SLurl Details

2023 SL SUG meetings week #44 summary

Grauland, August 2023 – blog post †

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, October 31st Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed, and is not intended to be a full transcript. My thanks to Yuzuru Jewell for the meeting transcript – for once, clock changes caught me off-guard, and I missed the greater part of the meeting!

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Server Deployments

  • No deployments for SLS Main channel, but the simhosts were restarted.
  • On Wednesday, November 1st the BlueSteel and LeTigre will receive the simulator support for PBR Materials.
    • Please remember: if you have anything that uses PBR materials and you rez that object (or wear it) on a non-PBR simulator,  the PBR Materials will be stripped from the object and forgotten.

Viewer Updates

No updates to viewers for the start of the week, leaving the official viewer pipelines as:

  • Github Actions (GHA) RC viewer, version, issued October 20 (with major CEF update and number version numbering) and promoted on October 25.
  • Release channel cohorts (please see my notes on manually installing RC viewer versions if you wish to install any release candidate(s) yourself).
  • Project viewers:

Games Controller Update

  • Leviathan Linden is having issues getting the viewer to build for Mac.
  • He hopes to have support for arbitrary controllers before this is shippable in the viewer, Which means some way to remap keys and axes.
  • The server-side code has been largely settled for any initial release, although there are some questions about whether some LSL constant names will be added for the various buttons and axes.
  • The documentation for the Game Controller SL event can be found with the SL wiki.
  • A projects viewer is available via Github actions, but per the above, simulator support is pending the Fall Colours RC release.
  • Pending main grid availability, the simulator support is available on Aditi (the Beta grid) within the following regions: Ahern, Cloud Sandbox 3, Cloud Sandbox 4, Mesh Sandbox 2, Sandbox Wanderton, Snark, and Tyl.

SL Combat

  • Rider Linden noted that LL will likely start a “Combat Committee” in early 2024 (presumably a new User Group meeting).
  • He will endeavour to put a strawman put together in terms of what might be addressed and the broad scope of changes which could be implemented ahead of any meetings. Currently, he is investigating the number of combat systems within SL.
  • However, what his is currently considering is an “on_damage() event, which he defines thus:
On damage-enabled regions that event would be called rather than the system simply applying damage. That would allow the combat system to make modifications to the damage (e.g. fire resistance, armour, etc) That event could then apply the damage to the avatar it was attached to. My goal for this project is to provide the tools to build combat systems. Not proscribe one to fit all situations.  
  • This idea received broadly positive feedback from the combat enthusiasts attending the meeting, with the caveat that the event must be able to report any damage source, to allow for moderation where there are differences of opinion over things like hits received.
  • Further suggestions for this idea and combat in general included:
    • on_damage(): the LL damage system should work as a “fallback”,  so people don’t require an attachment.
    • on_damage(): estates should be able to configure “minimum” and “maximum” damage hit limits to prevent people trying to game things via scripted means (e.g. using a scripted attachment to prevent taking any damage at all or weapons which “instakill” all the time).
    • A further request for a capability such as BUG-6707, “[Experience Tools] Feature Request – Parcel/region setting to allow/disallow non-experience scripts”, which  – for combat regions using SL Experiences – could do much to negate scripted means of trying to “cheat” per the above bullet point.
    • An update to the the rez with parameters event to allow those engaged in combat to be able to instantly swap weapons without having to attach all the weapons they might require ahead of entered a combat game.
    • Enabling region owners to set the response to “dying” in combat (/games in general) – such as a flag which allows the “dead” to be teleported to a specific location (e.g. a specific spawn point” or the region / parcel’s landing point), together with a “respawn cooldown” period (e.g. players being respawned receive no damage for a given period of time – preventing someone just taking up shop near a respawn point and picking people off as soon as they arrive).
    • A request for a capability such as BUG-233175 “llSetAgentParams: a way to customize certain agent attributes” – this would not only have general applications (e.g. those outlined in the Jira), it might potentially allow things like the avatar hitbox to resize in accordance with the avatar size.
  • Intermixed with this was a broader discussion both related to and separate from combat in SL, including scripted object collisions (raised specifically with issues of vehicle use and region crossings / striking banlines (e.g. see BUG227303), but which can also impact combat play in SL – e.g. by shutting down worn combat meters on region crossing).
  • As Rider noted, is is still putting together a strawman specification as to what might be considered as having potential to be addressed, scope of possible changes etc., doubtless with at least some of what was discussed in the meeting feeding into it, as he continues to visit combat regions and investigate the current systems in use, etc. As such, this will likely become a more focused discussion once any such “Combat User Group” is up and running.

In Brief

  • It has been noted that on the current PBR RC viewer, texture LOD has apparently changed, breaking the majority of on prim boards at a distance over 20m, and leaving the only way to get clear text on objects such as a sports scoring board is by using individual font character text per face rather than font map/atlas. This issue appears to be awaiting a Jira.

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.