At the seat of the gods in Second Life

Spark Project: Olympus, September 2023 – click any image for full size

The SPARK Project is a public region building project by Raven Frostwych (RavenStarr) which periodically offers a new location for people to visit and appreciate. Currently, Spark is presenting Olympus, Raven’s take on the the the mountain from which the most famous 12 of the gods of ancient Greece were said to have their residence (hence their collective name “Olympians”).

Within that mythology, these gods were said to live on the highest summit on the mountain –  Mytikas Peak. However, for her build, Raven offers a setting much more imaginative, tying together other elements of mythology, some from the legends of ancient Greece and one which – whilst turned into something of an ancient creature commanded by Zeus meme courtesy of 2010’s Clash of the Tians – actually has very little to do with ancient Greece or the Olympians, but which nevertheless fits this setting.

Spark Project: Olympus, September 2023

Occupying a Full region leveraging the Private region land capacity bonus, Raven’s Olympus features the home of the gods as an archipelago of lush islands held aloft, some stacked one above the other, by four huge Titans. The race of immortals who preceded the Olympians who were overthrown by Zeus and his siblings – the 3rd and 4th generation immortals – after the decade-long war of  called “the Titanomachy“, the majority of the Titans were imprisoned in the abyss of Tartarus, far below Olympus and the world following their defeat.

Here, in holding aloft Olympus, Raven’s Titans are both figuratively held below the Olympians as if in permanent servitude, whilst also echoing the fate of Atlas in having to hold aloft the heavens, except here their fate is to forever hold up the abode of the gods who have usurped them. That said, Atlas might be also be found here as well.

Spark Project: Olympus, September 2023

The landing point is located on the uppermost of these semi-floating islands, alongside an amphitheatre and the Olympian temple. The latter forms a club where events are at times held, the amphitheatre providing a place where 11 of the 12 Olympians, together with some of the lesser deities and offspring of Hera and Zeus, might watch over the celebrations, with Zeus seated in his throne. Poseidon, the 12th Olympian, sits apart, rising from a pool of water between amphitheatre and club.

The landing point includes a teleport point listing the major destinations within Olympus. This works through a Second Life Experience, so be sure to join it when touching a destination on the teleport board for the first time. However, for the fullest appreciation of the build, I strongly recommend following the paths and stairs running throughout the build and connecting all of the points of interest – including touches of Greco-Roman mythology tucked away here and there.

Spark Project: Olympus, September 2023

Descending through the lush levels will also bring visitors closer to the four huge Titans, their stone faces revealing nothing of what they might be thinking about their situation, keeping the realm of their victors and keep it clear of the waters far below.

As calm as these water might appear, even with the falls dropping freely from the gardens of the gods, they actually hides a secret – although whether awakened by a cry from Liam Neeson per the aforementioned film or not is debatable, given the Kraken is rooted in Norse mythology than it has anything to do with Zeus and his pantheon. I’ll leave it to you to work out how to get down to him; all I’ll say is despite his reputation, he doesn’t seem that unpleasant.

Spark Project: Olympus, September 2023

There is an undeniable beauty to this design that reaches well beyond its mythological foundations. It’s clear that a considerable amount of thought has gone into the overall design. For those unfamiliar with how to best appreciate the location as it is designed to be seen, the landing point includes information boards on recommended viewer settings, whilst awaiting discovery are multiple places to sit and pass the time, together with pre-placed poses for those wishing to take pictures. All of the main locations have their own points of interest and attractions, but I have to confess to finding the Sanctuary of Dionysus particularly attractive; it is – for me – beautifully relaxing.

Cleverly conceived and perfectly executed, Olympus offer a pleasing mix of exploration, photography and historical mythology – the latter of which might encourage a desire to do a little reaches by those who enjoy the setting but might not be familiar with the mythology interwoven into it.  Highly recommended for a visit.

Spark Project: Olympus, September 2023

SLurl Details

2023 SL SUG meetings week #39 summary

The Enchanted Library, July 2023 – blog post

The following notes were taken from the Tuesday, September 26th Simulator User Group (SUG) meeting. They form a summary of the items discussed and is not intended to be a full transcript. A video of the entire meeting is embedded at the end of the article for those wishing to review the meeting in full – my thanks to Pantera for recording it.

Meeting Overview

  • The Simulator User Group (also referred to by its older name of Server User Group) exists to provide an opportunity for discussion about simulator technology, bugs, and feature ideas.
  • These meetings are conducted (as a rule):
  • They are open to anyone with a concern / interest in the above topics, and form one of a series of regular / semi-regular User Group meetings conducted by Linden Lab.
  • Dates and times of all current meetings can be found on the Second Life Public Calendar, and descriptions of meetings are defined on the SL wiki.

Server Deployments

  • On Tuesday, September 26th, simhosts on the SLS Main channel were restarted without any code update.
  • On Wednesday, September 27th, the RC channels will be similarly restarted without any change to the simulator version.

Viewer Updates

No updates to the official SL viewers at the start of the week, leaving the current list as:

Region Crossing Code Tests

Maestro Linden is leading work on trying to improve avatar arrival performance during regions crossings. As we all know, avatars entering a region that is busy / active with other avatars, can have an impact on simulator performance – which although not as bad as it once was thanks to an earlier tranche of this work a few years ago, is still a problem. The aim of this work is to smooth things even further, initially for the case of teleports, but later with direct / vehicle crossings.

As a part of this work, two regions have been opened on Agni – Arrival Terminal 1 and Arrival Terminal 2, each with a different configuration for handling avatar teleport arrivals. These were used through the greater part of the meeting for qualitative and comparative testing with controlled (and monitored) group teleports from regions with the current teleport protocol and directly back and forth between the two, with LL gathering up the resultant logs for review.

Following the session, Maestro indicated that further testing may take place at the next SUG testing, and the two regions may be places adjacent to one another to allow for testing physical crossing / vehicle crossings between them.

In Brief

  • Leviathan Linden is continuing to work on game controller integration with SL, but outside of having some issues in getting some buttons to recognise / be recognised by SL when using the SDL2 API.
  • Rider Linden is now in the midst of “a rather large refactor that should modernise how the simulators handle HTTP connections (both internally and with the outside world.”
  • A brief, general discussion on LSL, the Mono bytecode interpreter and its ability to potentially allow the use of other languages (e.g. C#) on top of it by having it call native functions in the selected language.

† The header images included in these summaries are not intended to represent anything discussed at the meetings; they are simply here to avoid a repeated image of a rooftop of people every week. They are taken from my list of region visits, with a link to the post for those interested.