Seeing out the year with Seanchai Library in Second Life

It’s time to kick-off another short  week of story-telling in voice, brought to our virtual lives by the staff and volunteers at the Seanchai Library, as we move from Christmas to New Year celebrations. As always, all times SLT, and events are held at the Library’s Second Life home at Bradley University, unless otherwise indicated.

Sunday, December 27th, 18:00: All Good Gifts

A new original story by Caledonia at Magicland Park.

Monday December 28th, 19:00: Science Fiction Adventures

With Gyro Muggins.

Tuesday December 29th 19:00: Epiphany

MiracleTrolley Trollop continues to read from Connie Willis’ miracle and Other Christmas Stories, bringing us Epiphany, the final tale in the book.

A Christian minister has an epiphany about the Second Coming of Christ, which leads him onto a journey of his own.

He is accompanied by an atheist and a retired English teacher; an unlikely trio of wise men who walk snow-covered streets, following their own signs and wonders, and gaining insights into their faith (or lack of it) along the way in a moving tale which discusses faith without ever proselytising.

Wednesday, December 30th 19:00: The Following Shoes Are a Gift from the Pope

In a special 75-minutes session, Caledonia Skytower reads from M.J. McGalliard’s collection of short stories rife with absurd (though not “blasphemous”) humour related to saints, and some of the more circuitous doings of the Catholic Church.


Please check with the Seanchai Library SL’s blog for updates and for additions or changes to the week’s schedule.

The featured charity for October – December is Reach Out and Read, one of the most highly rated literacy charities in the USA which reaches 4.4 million children annually and distributes 1.6 million books.

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