A Blue Finch Frosty Hollow in Second Life

Blue Finch Frosty Hollow, November 2023 – click any image for full size

A full region leveraging the private region Land Capacity bonus, Blue Finch Frosty Hollow is a gorgeous winter-themed design by Grant Wade (GMi7) and Dianna Wade (DiaMi7) which has a lot within it to appreciate, do and photograph. Bringing together a number of what are now “traditional” staples of Second Life winter settings alongside of some touches perhaps more common within fantasy settings, this is a region which simply works for the eye and imagination.

The first of those SL traditional elements can be found at the landing point, taking the form of the DRD Arctic Express waiting at the local station. With its dining car dressed for a festive meal, it offers a cosy retreat from the outset, with one the passenger cars laid out as a lounge  with sofa, Christmas decorations and both a brick-built fireplace with fire in the hearth and a wood burning stove!

Blue Finch Frosty Hollow, November 2023

Alongside the train, the local station presents a little café and pizza house for those seeking something to warm their insides, with a little gift wrapping shop rounding off the platform’s parade of shops. The café and pizza house might well be welcome, because the train is unlikely to be going anywhere soon (unless it is backwards), given the local reindeer appear to be engaged in a game of staring it down whilst occupying the lightly drifted snow lying across the tracks before it!

The landing point provides a summary of activities awaiting discovery within the region – a horse riding tour, ice skating, snowboarding and sledding. It also indicates that there will be a special Christmas Party within the setting at some point. The date and time were both TBA on my visit, so visitors might want to keep an eye out for that or join the local group via the sign at the LP to receive updates and notifications.

Blue Finch Frosty Hollow, November 2023

The horse tour can be found just south of the station and past the reindeer facing off against the train, where a sign board and horse sit close by the local (and again SL winter traditional) Hive Christmas Tree Farm. Sitting on the horse and clicking it will start the tour, which will proceed gently around the region along trails and paths, revealing places and locations to which visitors will doubtless wish to make a return. Lasting some 6 minutes, the ride will reveal the upland areas of the region as well, the route even allowing a for glimpse of Santa relaxing with a little skiing before the season gets really busy for him!

Skating can be found at the frozen lake occupying the southern central area of the region, with pre-choreographed single and couple skating pose balls awaiting people’s enjoyment. Those who prefer more freestyle skating and have skates in the inventories could doubtless slip them on and take to the ice as well.

Blue Finch Frosty Hollow, November 2023

Should the skating not warm the cockles of your soul, there are numerous little spots around the edge of the lake where warm food and drink can be had – roasted chestnuts, doughnuts and coffee, hot chocolate loaded with whipped cream… There are also various places where folk can just sit and watch the skaters go by; however, if the nippiness is still too much, then there is always the lakeside conservatory, where cosy armchairs await, espresso, hot chocolate and cakes are on hand – and most importantly, a roaring log fire keeps the air warm.

The uplands to the region lie mostly to the north and west and make very good use of space. On its northern side, high cliffs separate the region from its off-region surround, but in a manner which allows both region and off-region land elements to flow together to form a whole. These cliffs have a ribbon plateau running along their tops, reached via a snowy slope rising from the lowlands and presenting both an easy climb and a downhill run for sledding and snowboarding.

Blue Finch Frosty Hollow, November 2023

At the top of the slope, the plateau broadens to sit as the home of the fantasy-leaning element of the setting, providing as it does space for the Compulsion Elven House (a building I’ve oft been tempted by, but have managed – thus far – to resist purchasing!). Whilst intended more for fantasy / Middle-Earth themed settings, the house works very well here, forming a large retreat for people to enjoy, complete with a welcoming festive meal, music from a piano and places to sit.

To the south of the house is a second curtain of cliffs, reached via an elven style bridge topping a rocky arch. Dropping in a series of step-like levels as it runs close to the western edge of the region, this plateau is somewhat more rugged than its partner to the north, but offers its own points of interest, such as the tall towers clinging to the rocky bluffs as they rise from the lands below to be topped by stone-built pavilions (the excellent Trompe Loeil Amelie Pavilion I’ve frequently used myself) from where views across the entire region might be enjoyed.

Blue Finch Frosty Hollow, November 2023

Two other upland areas within the setting also await visitors. The first sits at the eastern end of the sledding / snowboarding slope, where a long finger of rock stretches forth as if to poke the lake below. At its northern end there stands a tall clock tower keeping SLT, a fenced path running south from it before switch-backing as it overlooks the lake, to descend down to the trails below.

The last highland area takes the form of a blocky mesa to the south-west, separated from the rest and reached by its own path. Water tumbles from its rocky flanks to feed an unfrozen pond which in turn feeds a fast-flowing stream as it runs down to the lake. Ruins sit on the top of this mesa, forming what appears to be an event space.

Blue Finch Frosty Hollow, November 2023

There is yet more to see within Blue Finch Frosty Hollow as the snow falls gently across it, but I’ve said enough here; this is a setting best appreciated first-hand and sans my gibbering. All I will add in closing is that do be sure to use the shared environment when you drop in to see for yourself, and have local sounds active. Otherwise – enjoy!

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