Cica’s touch of Nostalgia in Second Life

Cica Ghost: Nostalgia, August 2023

For September, Cica Ghost brings us Nostalgia, a sepia-tingled world offering hints of some of her past installation and work whilst offering something entirely new for people to explore and photograph.

Spread under a custom EEP environment designed by Cica, and which offers something like an inverted lunar surface of s skyscape, the setting comprises a mix of flat plains and doughy hills rising like dumplings or lumpy loaves, their faces checkerboard of little squares. Both their strange ground cover brings to mind faint echoes from past builds. Creatures and balloons – further motifs those familiar with Cica’s work will recognise   – are also awaiting befriending and discovering.

Cica Ghost: Nostalgia, August 2023

Many of the former are giant insects and garden creatures. However, rather than being of a variety you might reasonably find in your own garden (other than being somewhat scaled-up), some of these are creatures with a decidedly Steampunkian edge to them; others are – although still large – more “natural in their looks – such as a the large snake and its smaller cousin, happy to watch the comings and goings, and still others are as strange as the armoured insects and come in a variety of sizes.

Ladders – also a feature of Cica’s builds – might be found here, some of them giving a purpose to the balloons as they hold them aloft so they might form horizontal companionways running between the tops of some of the hills, overring visitors the means to pass between them without the need to descend into the plains and valleys below.

Cica Ghost: Nostalgia, August 2023

Within the lowlands (and on some of the hills) expressive little houses await, their sloping roofs with curled eaves, wide open doorways with curtained windows above and to either side, the carry an expression of surprise which is intriguing. Or perhaps they are all singing with unheard voices, whilst shaded by oversized parasols.

Also rising from the tops of the hills are strange structures.  Some are held aloft any pipes / legs, others looks like gigantic plant pots. All have the feeling of being placed here by giant hands – but that they are is up to our imaginations to decide. Most offer another familiar trait common to Cica’s designs: places to sit, either on your own or with a friend. Elsewhere, again in keeping with #Cica’s work are places to dance and have a little fun.

Cica Ghost: Nostalgia, August 2023

The above really only touches on the familiar-yet-unique look Nostalgia exudes, making a visit a necessity of you’re to appreciate it all. Should you do so, keep an eye out for Cica’s gift to visitors. It is guarded by one of her creatures – but it’s a friendly character, despite its looks, and will do you no harm when you approach it.

Once again a trip into Cica’s rich imagination, one which might perhaps stir memories of childhood fairy stories (or, given the potential for multiple interpretations of the expressions on the “faces” of the houses – nightmares) which the passage of time may well have dulled in terms of whatever metaphorical colour they many have had during childhood, much like the sepia tinge Cica has given Nostalgia. As ever, a fun and engaging build

Cica Ghost: Nostalgia, August 2023

SLurl Details

  • Nostalgia (Mysterious Isle, rated Moderate)