SL21B: SecondLifeTime Premium (+Upgrade), SecondLifeTime Premium Plus limited Offers

via Linden Lab

Update: following the publication of this article, Linden Lab published their own official announcement blog post.

In 2023, at SL20B, Linden Lab announced a pair of “limited availability lifetime memberships”: Second LifeTime Premium and Second Lifetime Premium Plus. As I reported at the time, these accounts:

  • Featured a one-off payment and provided all of the benefits applicable to either the Premium Account subscription package or the Premium Plus Account subscription package, depending on which LifeTime membership is applied for.
  • Would remain in effect:
    • Even if the account holder cancels their membership – if they re-join later, they will be able to continue with their Second LifeTime membership.
    • As long as Second Life remains operational.
  • Were offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

On June 28th, 2024, Linden Lab announced these Lifetime Memberships are once again available on a first-come, first-serve limited number basis, specifically:

  • 121 applications for SecondLifeTime Premium.
  • 21 LifeTime Premium upgrades to LifeTime Premium Plus for those who took out a LifeTime Premium membership in 2023.
  • 21 applications for SecondLifeTime Premium Plus.

These packages are offered at the following on-off payment prices of:

  • US $859.00 at the time of upgrade for SecondLifeTime Premium.
  • US $1150.00 at the time of upgrade to go from Second LifeTime Premium (2023) to SecondLifeTime PremiumPlus
  • US $$1,899.00 at the time of upgrade for SecondLifeTime Premium Plus.

As with the original offer, Lifetime memberships:

  • May not be available to upgrade to other account types (e.g. from SecondLifeTime Premium to Premium Plus). However, requests for upgrade can be submitted via support ticket for case-by-case review.
  • Will not be available for downgrade, but will become the base-level membership account type for the holder.

Further Details & How to Apply

Applications can be made by Support Ticket only.

  • Go to the Second Life Support portal.
  • Click the orange Submit A Ticket button on the top right of any page of the support portal, and sign in if you have not already.
  • In the support ticket form, select the ticket type Account Issue, and choose Request SecondLifetime Premium Account from the second drop down that appears.
  • Select which membership type you would like – SecondLifeTime Premium, Second LifeTime Premium to Premium Plus upgrade or SecondLifeTime Premium Plus.
  • Check the box that states, I accept the fee. This will be required for support ticket submission, and will allow your membership to be processed as quickly as possible.
  • Fill out any additional necessary details in the description section (e.g. if you have recently renewed either your Premium or Premium Plus subscription, add the date of renewal) and click Submit.
  • Allow up to 10 business days for Second LifeTime membership support ticket requests to be processed.

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