The Demons of Reason at Nitroglobus in Second Life

Nitroglobus Roof Gallery: Maghda – Demons of Reason

Monday, June 17th see the return of evocative photographer Maghda to Nitroglobus Roof Gallery operated and curated by Dido Haas with a monochrome collection entitled Demons of Reason.

Maghda’s avatar studies are never less than richly composed and layered, frequently presenting explorations of self and life, and this is clearly evident in Demons, offering a visual essay on the struggles we have all doubtless suffered: dealing with the demons of irrationality as we try to face the daily challenges of life.

The Demons of Reason lurk in the shadows of our thoughts, challenging the clarity of our understanding. These elusive forces twist logic and distort perceptions, leading us into the labyrinth of irrationality. They whisper doubts and fears, causing us to question even the most evident truths. In this eternal struggle, the Demons of Reason remind us of the fragile balance between knowledge and ignorance.

– Maghda

Nitroglobus Roof Gallery: Maghda – Demons of Reason

These are beautifully minimalist pieces, the majority set against a plain white background, with several using the motif of a bottle or bottles – a motif also seen within the sculptures by Adwehe which support the exhibition. It’s an interesting motif, potentially symbolising a number of elements within the overall theme, such as referencing the way we so often try to bottle up the doubts and irrational thoughts we have all they way through to how we might try to silence them though more liquid means.

As well as the use of the bottle, the images in the collection offers views on how we might respond to our inner demons – and how thy might equally and irrationally take us over, becoming more that tiny voices inside us but near-physical entities whom we cannot ignore, leaving us feeling their darkness or somehow separated from those around us, leaving us ghosted to them – or them to us. Meanwhile, the tinges of green suggest the jealousy / envy that so often accompanies such irrationalities.

Nitroglobus Roof Gallery: Maghda – Demons of Reason

Maghda has intentionally avoided giving her images individual titles, and this allows us to appreciate them more fully, allowing each one to speak directly and individually to our own thinking / mood / imagination. As such, Demons of Reason is an exhibition which should be seen rather than experienced second-hand.

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2 thoughts on “The Demons of Reason at Nitroglobus in Second Life

  1. Agree with this review you wrote Inara. You caught the essence of the exhibition in my view. Thanks soo much darling for taking the time to visit and write.
    Big big hug


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