SL21B: Community Round Table & Town Hall Sessions

via Linden Lab

June 2024 will mark the 21st anniversary of Second Life opening to public access – and to mark it, Linden Lab has announced the 2024 Birthday celebrations as being marked across an entire month – from Friday, June 21st through until  Sunday July 21st, 2024.


This theme for Second Life’s 21st birthday (SL21B) has been given as Elements, which the Lab describes thus:

This theme invites us to explore the fundamental components that make up our vast virtual landscape and the diverse communities within it. From the fiery passion of creators and artists to the fluid adaptability of our social environments, from the solid bonds within our communities to the fresh breezes of innovation that propel us forward, “Elements” is a celebration of the core forces that shape our experiences in Second Life.

– From the official SL21B announcement blog post

Community Round Table and Town Halls Sessions

For the last several years, the birthday celebrations have included a series of sessions called Meet the Lindens: opportunities for people to hear from and put questions to Linden Lab personnel, generally with questions submitted beforehand. In 2023, these Meet The Linden sessions morphed into Lab Gab sessions, and this year they are being referred to as Town Hall meetings, all to be held live at the SL21B event, and which will include the second of the Community Round Table events, at which questions can be specifically put to members of the Linden Lab leadership team.

It is not clear as to who will be representing the Lab at each of these sessions, or when the sessions will be held. In the announcement that they would be taking place, the Lab only promise details to come and indicate:

The founder of Second Life Philip Linden and Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden will be among the participants, which also include many leading executives and team leads from Second Life’s Product, Engineering, and Product Operations departments.

However, the blog post does include a link to a form those wishing to ask questions of the Lab can complete and submit, which includes the opportunity to indicate to whom the question should be addressed, if required (although a little difficult outside of the usual suspects for these events given that, as noted, exactly who will be attending them has yet to be announced).

BUT – if you do wish to submit a question, then hop over to the form and do so, and note that it will remain available until Thursday, June 20th, 2024.



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