The Power of Hope at NovaOwl in Second Life

NovaOwl, May 2024: Christian Carter – The Power of Hope

The Power of Hope is the title of the May / June exhibition within the ground-level gallery space at the NovaOwl Gallery, operated by Uli Jansma and Owl Dragonash. It features images by Christian Carter (and marks for me, I believe, the first time I’ve encountered his work in a solo exhibition)which are linked by a core theme, as symbolised by a vibrantly coloured butterfly.

[In] this exhibition I wanted to be uplifting. We all need more positive things, more smiles, more light.
Here I am telling a story about a butterfly that symbolizes a Hope and travels around the World. Travel with me…
Once you choose hope anything is possible.

– Christian Carter, The Power of Hope

NovaOwl, May 2024: Christian Carter – The Power of Hope

What follows, across the two halves of the gallery space is a journey of images, some of them framed by quotes or aphorisms emphasising the power of hope, even in the more desolate or downtrodden aspects of life. The art is loosely grouped within the galley’s halls in terms of style and presentation: within the larger, airer hall are very large format pieces leaning strongly towards a black-and-white / monochrome finish, with the sub-divided space of the smaller hall presenting pieces sized to suit its wall space and within which the use of colour is much more prominent.

It’s a highly effective approach; with their focus perhaps more on the realities of day-to-day life as well as touching on the more metaphysical aspects of hope, the monochrome images give a clear symbol of the latter through the focused presence of colour or the considered use of reflections on glass to suggest brightness (and therefore hope), whilst their broader monochrome composition offers commentary on the realities of the present.

NovaOwl, May 2024: Christian Carter – The Power of Hope

It is within this section that the exhibition has perhaps its most poignant pieces in the form of There is Always the Light and Despite all of the Darkness, both of which particularly speak to some of the malaise affecting modern society (waste and destruction / homelessness and our too-often indifference to it) – and the expression of hope that one day we will all overcome these issues and attitudes for the betterment of ourselves and others.

Within the smaller gallery space, the images are perhaps more metaphorical in nature, reflecting the aphorisms (some of which might be seen as truisms, but which are nevertheless lifted above the trite through Christian’s excellent artwork and use of colour). These are perhaps more uplifting images in terms of the richness of colour within them, although the underpinning truths they contain speak as clearly as those framing the monochrome pieces. In addition, further touches of social commentary might be seen in both some of the expressions written on the gallery walls and in the little 3D elements Christian has put together is support of his images (such as the little homeless bear in one corner).

NovaOwl, May 2024: Christian Carter – The Power of Hope

Visually engaging and with a positive message for the future built on reflections on life, The Power of Hope will remain at NovaOwl through May and into June.

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One thought on “The Power of Hope at NovaOwl in Second Life

  1. Thank you so much, Inara, for coming by and visiting Christian’s exhibit and for everything you do for art in Second Life. I appreciate you and your insights!


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