Savouring a Honeycomb in Second Life

Honeycomb; Inara Pey, May 2016, on Flickr Honeycomb – click any image for full size

Lundy De Luca (Londinia Leistone) is a maker of mesh home and garden furnishings under the Hive brand. She also offers her store’s homestead region of Honeycomb as a place others are welcome to visit and explore, as indicated in a recent Destination Guide Highlights blog post from the Lab.

Honeycomb presents a rugged landscape, deeply cut by the sea into a series of headlands linked by a low, forked tongue of land, and two equally rugged islands. The store and landing point occupy the largest of the headlands, located in the north-west of the region, a dirt track dipping down from it, turning north-east at the fork of the tongue, to arrive at small farmstead where horses peacefully graze in a field of grass turned golden brown by the sun. Here sits an old garage with a makeshift wooden deck before it, looking out across one of the inlets towards the middle headland.

Honeycomb; Inara Pey, May 2016, on Flickr Honeycomb

Reached by crossing the local railway line, this middle headland offers a careworn beach on its west side, backed by a tired cabins built on or over its rocky eastern shore. A rickety looking bridge runs out from the beach to the smaller of the two islands, scarcely more than a table of rock rising from the sea, which is surrounded by a small skirt of sand and topped by a tall pier.

The railway line, which emerges from a tunnel beneath the Hive store, curls its way across two trestle bridges and the middle headland to arrive at the larger of the two islands, where it abruptly ends. Here sits another cabin on top of a rocky table, looking westwards towards the setting sun. A board walk and wooden steps offer a means to get down to the water’s edge on the east side of the island, passing under the railway. but to get to the gravelly, overgrown western shoreline of the island requires a bit of a scramble over rocks.

Honeycomb; Inara Pey, May 2016, on Flickr  Honeycomb

While it might sound tired and a little past its prime, the landscape of Honeycomb is nevertheless highly photogenic and evocative, and it is hard to avoid turning the camera slightly left or right and finding another view worthy of a photo. Gulls call from overhead, waves wash against the shores with soft hisses, while geese wander, horses and deer graze, and trawlers work just off the coast. From the tatty/chic beach through the connecting lowlands there are numerous places to sit and while away the time, with rowing boats out on the water offering a chance for a quiet cuddle with a loved one.

All in all, another great place to visit and, if you’re looking for something for your home or garden, or with which to further decorate you land, you might just find the answer in the Hive store!

Honeycomb; Inara Pey, May 2016, on Flickr Honeycomb

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