Blog menu update

The March 2016 iteration of the blog menu bar
The March 2016 iteration of the blog menu bar

One of the things I’m striving to achieve within this blog is ease of access to information, be it through the way I use categories and tags for posts or through the use of the available menu options within the blog’s theme.

This inevitably means that I reshuffle things every so often: rationalising tags, re-ordering categories and fiddling with the menus. I hope that such re-orderings help make finding information and topics in this blog easier as things grow, be it via category searches or through general searches or the tag cloud, or through the menus.

It is the latter in particular which I’ve revised. The work isn’t finished, as I’ll be adding, tweaking and moving things over the next few days as time allows, but I think there is enough there to offer the menu for people to try, if they’re so-minded 🙂 .

There are now six main headings to the menu, most of which should be self-explanatory:

  • Second Life: which covers all things directly related to SL, and has five sub-menu items:
    • News and Opinion – for news and views on Second Life;
    • SL tech – for all my weekly SL project updates, news and reviews of the viewers and clients I cover in the blog; and news on significant SL issues
    • Events – all coverage of the events I’ve previewed / reported on, arranged by topic ( Bay City, BURN2, VWBPE, RFL, etc,)
    • Reviews – all my art previews and reviews, my reviews of SL regions, Sl product reviews, etc.
    • Tutorials – (hopefully) useful tutorials I’ve written or found and had permission to reproduce here
  • Linden Lab:   news, views and reviews more directly related to the Lab than purely about Second Life, including things like tier, Blocksworld, meeting transcripts, etc
  • Sansar: news (via the Lab or the media) on Project Sansar, plus my own speculations / thoughts
  • Other Worlds and Tech: my coverage of other virtual world environments, my AR and VR related reports, my space and astronomy items and any general tech news I cover
  • My Bits: the About Me bit, with personal notes on blogging and other assorted bits
  • Contact Me form.
Hopefully, the topics in the menus and sub-menus will make it easier to find things, whether it is specific information you want on a topic (e.g by selecting "Firestorm News" for just that topic or all the articles I've published on Firestorm by clicking the "Firestorm" menu item)
Hopefully, the topics in the menus and sub-menus will make it easier to find things, whether it is specific information you want on a topic (e.g by selecting “Firestorm News” for just that topic or all the articles I’ve published on Firestorm by clicking the “Firestorm” menu item)

As with previous iterations of the menu note that:

  • Clicking the menu title will display all articles related to all of the sub-menus associated with that item. So if you Click “Sansar”, you will get both the “Sansar News” and “Sansar Speculations” articles
  • Similarly, clicking on a sub-menu option will display all the articles listed under that menu item, and within any sub-menu associated with it. So if you navigate to SL Project Updates (Second Life > SL  Tech > SL Project Updates), and click on it, all on my SL project update reports will be displayed in newest to oldest order. However, if you navigate to the 2015 Updates sub-menu item, only my 2015 updates will be displayed
  • Clicking the blog banner will return you to the front page.

Hopefully, these changes won’t confuse those who have made use of the old menus, and will further assist people in finding information in these pages.


6 thoughts on “Blog menu update

  1. Nice new layout! I know how hard it can be to figure out what tabs to have on your menu and to still ensure that your readers can view the content you want them to view


  2. I agree your changes make your posts more navigable and you have a more intuitive flow to your site.


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