Saint Torley’s Day

Torley Linden, rightly one of the most popular Linden Lab employees, famous for his infectious good-humour, his love of watermelons and talent for music, is to be the focus of the 4th resident-run Saint Torley’s Day, organised by the First Church of Rosedale and the Four Kittens of the Apocalypse.

The many faces of Torley Linden

The event will take place this Sunday, the 18th September, 2011, commencing at 12:00 SLT. Celebrations will comprise:

  • 12:00-14:00: a party featuring Second Life artist Kaklick Martin and Torley’s own compositions, hosted by Alchemy Epstein and Nakira Tennen; to be held at the Four Kittens of the Apocalypse, Penning
  • 14:00: a “special service” at the Rheta Shan Memorial Chapel of the First Church of Rosedale, Rhianna, wherein Torley’s story will be recounted (participants will need to be adult-verified or have payment information on file).

The press release announcing the event reads in part:

“Torley Linden has written innumerable posts on the company’s official blog and created hundreds of video tutorials. He listens and responds to residents, holding weekly office hours and keeping tabs on Second Life content all over the Web, including blogs, Flickr, Twitter, Vimeo, and YouTube. His Saint Day is the Sunday closest to his “rezday” (the day he first entered Second Life), September 15; 2011 will mark the end of his seventh year ‘in-world.'”

The event is intended to be a warm celebration of Torley’s work as Resident Enlightenment Manager, as such those attending the party are encouraged to “wear the most pleasingly garish shades of neon pink and green they can find”, and expect the “‘melon-go-round’, the grid’s most heavily armed watermelon piñata, and more surprises”.

So get your shades, grab a watermelon and join the festivities!

Watermelon Wine by Torley Linden

For further information, contact Samantha Poindexter in-world.

The organisers stress this event is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Lab.

2 thoughts on “Saint Torley’s Day

    1. Opsie

      You’re right – fixed. My fault for trying to draft 4 different event articles for 2 different blogs at the same time.


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